"I thought I lost you"

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It was dark. You didn’t know where you were but you were crying out, hoping that someone, anyone, would hear you. You didn’t know what happened. One moment you were walking down the street headed back to your apartment to meet Harry who was waiting for you. He was back for tour and had gotten in before you’d finished up with work. You’d ended up working a bit later so the streets were a little more empty than normal but it wasn’t far anyway. And then everything had gone dark. You’d been grabbed and the next second you opened your eyes and everything was completely black. You knew you were tied and chained up to something but all you could hear was the sound of your own gasping breaths.

“Please!” You scream, hoping that anyone would hear you. Who had done this? Why had they done this? Where were you? Would you ever get out of here? So many questions flooded your mind and you felt yourself starting to hyperventilate.

You weren’t sure how much time had passed. Had it been days? Just a few hours? Was anyone looking for you? Surely Harry would be. Oh how you wished Harry was here. You needed his comforting arms, his strength to pull you through this. Surely he was looking for you, he had to be. And you knew he wouldn’t stop until you were found.

You were so hungry, tired, and sore. It was cold down here, wherever here was. You had nothing to sit on, nothing to cover up with. You were just chained to what felt like a cement floor in the dark. No one came to see you, you heard nothing from around you. You were completely alone, as if you were put in here and forgotten.

You had managed to fall asleep finally, extreme exhaustion having finally won you over, when you slowly awoke to what sounded like yelling. You sit up quickly, hissing a bit at your sore joints protesting.

“Y/N!” You knew that voice, you would know it anywhere.

“Harry!” You scream back. “Harry, I’m in here! Help me!” You heard more voices than just his but continued to scream for him. When a door suddenly flew open, bright light flooded the room and you hid your face behind your hands. It was so bright after being in complete darkness for so long. But it wasn’t Harry at the door, it was a couple of police officers.

“She’s in here!” They yell back. “She’s alone.” You watch then as Harry slams past the officers and rushes into the room.

“Y/N!” He exclaims and falls to his knees beside you as he pulls you into his arms. “Oh my, I though’ I lost you.” He breathes into your hair as he kisses your head over and over again. He hugs you tight against him as you begin to cry into the fabric of his shirt. “’m righ’ here, okay? You’re all righ’.“ He assures you.

“I was so scared.” You gasp through your tears. “Thank you for coming for me.” You pull back, seeing Harry’s green eyes were tear filled and his cheeks were damp.

“When you never came home I… I panicked. I was so scared. I haven’t slept or anythin’, I jus’ needed to find you.” You give him a small smile, reaching up to rest a hand on his cheek. Your wrist was still tied but you had just enough reach.

“You’re my hero.” You say, finally getting a smile in return.

“I love you.” He sighs before his lips were on yours. Even if you never knew what happened or how you were kidnapped, who did this or why they picked you, you were safe now. You were back with your boyfriend and as your fingers tangled in his long curls and his lips pressed tighter against yours, nothing else mattered but Harry.



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