Neither of you can take care of a new born:

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“Okay, I have no idea what I’m doing.” You turn from where you had been putting away the package of new diapers you had just bought. Your boyfriend was attempting to change Ella, your newborn daughter’s, diaper but was unsuccessful at even getting it undone as she was flailing and crying too much. “Where’s my mum?” He turns, in search of Anne who had been staying with you the last few days since you brought Ella home from the hospital. Neither you or Harry had any clue what you were doing so she was basically having to do it all and show you how it was done.

“She’s in the shower.” You say, walking over to Harry and looking down at the crying baby. “I can change her.” You nudge Harry out of the way with your hip. “Oh, is mommy’s littler girl upset?” You coo as you take hold of the tabs of the diaper and pull them open.

“Well you make that look easy.” Harry grumbles beside you but then smiles down at his little girl while you go about lifting the dirty diaper from underneath her tiny baby butt. You hold her legs up, grabbing for a clean diaper and wipes. This, changing a diaper, you had been practicing this before your baby was even born, so you had that down. Harry was still pretty clueless as to how to put a diaper on. “I wanna get her dressed.” He exclaims once she’s changed into a nice clean diaper. You pick her up gently, bringing her to rest against your shoulder.

“Harry, you can’t even put a diaper on her, what makes you think you’ll manage clothes?” He gives a sarcastic laugh and goes about rummaging through the large dresser full of baby clothes you had. It was probably overkill with how much clothes you had as she wouldn’t even fit in most of it for more than a couple of months but you and Harry had been excited when you went shopping once you found out it was a girl, you couldn’t help yourself. You wanted to spoil her.

“I can handle it, don’t worry about me, love.” He grabs a cute onesie that said “My daddy is a rockstar” on the front and grins. He had obviously insisted on buying that the second he saw it.

“Daddy likes to think he’s a rockstar.” You mumble to Ella while Harry pretends to look offended, his hand on his chest.

“I’m sorry, I’m pretty sure it was my being a rockstar that made you fall in love with me and then to go on and produce this gorgeous and perfect little girl with me.” He takes Ella from you and places her back on the changing table. You grin and shrug.

“It was that and the hair.” You reach up, running your fingers through his long hair while he laughs, that cute grin of his on his face. “I couldn’t resist the hair.” You brush his hair from his face as he focuses on attempting to put the clothes on his daughter.

“If she would just stay still for like a second, I could manage.” He grumbles a minute later when he still hadn’t even gotten it around her head. You were even attempting to help but she was so wiggly that even as soon as you had it over her head, you couldn’t get her arms in. “What if I hurt her little arms though?” He says, afraid to force her arms in.

“You won’t break her just by dressing her, dear.” You both turn to see Anne walk in, her hair in a towel, having just left the shower. She surely heard Ella’s cries and came to see how the two of you were doing.

“She’s fragile!” Harry reminds her, gesturing down to the crying newborn.

“Just grab her arms and push them through the sleeves, you will not hurt her.” She urges her son, gesturing back to his daughter. Harry sighs and turns back to Ella. He gently grabs her wrist and the onesie, he actually manages to get her arm in and grins triumphantly before doing the other arm. He pulls the onesie down then and does up the snaps around her legs easily. “Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Anne rolls her eyes playfully at her son, grins at you and then turns to leave the room while Harry picks up Ella, resting her against his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, mommy and daddy will figure this out soon.” He looks over at you, holding out his free arm to you. You smile, melting against his side as he wraps his arm around your waist. You smile at your daughter, reaching up to run your finger down her extremely soft cheek. “You and mommy are the best things that has ever happened to me in my entire life.” He says quietly down to his daughter. You smile and reach up to kiss his cheek gently.

“Don’t worry, daddy, you’re the best thing to happen to us too.” You tell him, resting your head on his shoulder. Ella then began to cry again and you knew you had to feed her. “Do you know how to make a bottle?” You ask Harry, lifting your head to look up at him.

“No, but my mum does.” He grins and transfers his daughter over to you.

“We should probably figure it out for ourselves, Harry.” You tell him as you follow him from the nursery and down the stairs to the kitchen where his mother was starting to make dinner.

“How do you make a bottle?” Harry asks her, ignoring you when you say you would do it. You had done it before, there was just so much to do with babies that sometimes you forgot the steps for things. You were also a little low on sleep, as well as still extremely hormonal, you were bound to forget some things.

So, with Anne’s help you actually managed to get Ella a bottle, feed and burp her and then put her down to sleep in her crib.

“Who knew this parenting thing would be so hard?” Harry asks later that night after his mother had gone to sleep. Ella had woken up to feed and have a diaper change again right before so she would be good for a few more hours hopefully. The two of you were lounged out across your bed, enjoying the few moments of peace you were getting.

“All the people that warned us that parenting was hard.” You remind him, curling up against him. He laughs and kisses your forehead.

“We’ll get it though, love.” He says confidently. “I’m going to make sure she has the entire world.” You lift your head, leaning on your elbow to look down at him. “I’m going to make sure you both do.”

“You’ve already given me everything I could ever want,” You tell him, bringing a hand up to rest on his cheek. “You gave me the most beautiful and perfect daughter in the entire world.” He grins.

“She is pretty beautiful and perfect, eh?” You can’t help but grin and nod, leaning down to kiss him gently.

“I never knew I could love someone as much as I love her.” You say after you pull away, sighing as you rest in his arms. “I mean, I love you but the love I have for her… It’s just…” You had no words to describe it, you didn’t know how to express just the pure adoration you had for that little baby girl that you carried in your stomach for 9 months.

“I know, love, me too.” Harry whispers. “It’s indescribable, the love we have for Ella. She’s…” He trails off as you both hear her cries coming through the baby monitor on your bedside table. “Awake.” He finishes, sighing tiredly. You laugh and sit up after kissing his cheek.

“I’ll get her.” You start to stand up but he follows you up too.

“I’ll come too!” He says as you both leave the room. You laugh, shaking your head. You literally could not ask for a better boyfriend to have a perfect daughter with. You were so in love with them both.



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