Paprazzi's makes children upset:

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It was always a risk taking your two children to the park or somewhere as equally public but they deserved to get out of the house and play just like any other kid so occasionally you and Harry braved it. You always tried to switch up what park you went to, hoping to throw the paparazzi off so they wouldn’t know where to find you. They sometimes did but security was usually good at keeping them away from you.

“Will you push me on the swing, daddy?” Your 6 year old son asks his father, tugging at Harry’s hand to pull him off the bench the two of you sat on.

“Of course, buddy.” Harry stands and follows his son towards the swings. You watch from your place on the bench as Harry pushes the small boy back and forth. Your son laughs all the while, loving it so much.

“Swing?” Your two year old daughter asks from beside you, tilting her head to the side, her long curls that matched her fathers falling in her face. You smile and push them away for her.

“Sure, baby.” You stand up and pick her up, swinging her up into your arms before heading over to join your husband and son. Harry grins at you as you put your daughter in the child swing and begin to push her gently back and forth. She giggles, gripping at the chains as she goes.

“I can do it now, daddy.” Your son says, waving his tiny hand at his father who laughs and nods, stepping away from the swing and coming to stand beside you. He wraps an arm around your waist, kissing at the side of your head.

“I love being able to do this.” He murmurs. “Being out here, together as a family is what I love the most.” You look up at him, both of you exchanging smiles.

“Me too.” You tell him, meaning it. He smiles and presses a soft kiss to your lips.

“Daddy, that’s gross!” Your son exclaims. “Don’t kiss mommy like that!” Harry laughs, shaking his head.

“I will kiss your mum however I well please!” Harry counters, getting a narrow eyed glare in response. You laugh, shaking your head. Just then is when you noticed the numerous cars show up in the parking lot and on the street.

“Harry.” You mutter, stopping in your swinging of your daughter as you frown. Harry follows your line of sight just as a dozen paparazzi climb out of their cars and head in your direction, already snapping pictures and video of you. Your two security guys move around you, blocking their view as you grab your daughter from her seat.

“Let’s go.” Harry says, glaring in the direction of the swarming paparazzi. He takes your sons shoulders and begins to guide him in the direction of Harry’s Range Rover. The security tried to keep a barrier between the paparazzi and your small family but they swarm around you anyway. Harry keeps a tight hold of his son as you keep your daughter gripped tight in your arms, hiding her face in your shoulder and with your hand as the camera flashes blinded you.

“Mommy.” She cries, gripping at your neck as she burst into tears. You and Harry exchange worried glances before he reaches out for her. You transfer her to his arms and instead take a hold of your sons hand as your daughters crying gets louder.

“You guys are mean!” Your son suddenly yells. The buzzing of the paparazzi instantly pauses but the clicking of the camera’s continue. “You made my baby sister cry!”

“Y/S/N.” Harry mutters, trying to keep him calm.

“You should just leave us alone!” He continues to yell. You and Harry continue trying to get through the crowd. You were thankfully almost to the car but your daughter was still crying loudly into her fathers shoulder. “How dare you make her cry!” You couldn’t help but give a small laugh at his angry tone. You move him along, finally at the car.

“Get in, love.” Harry comments to you, pushing you towards the passenger side door after he opens the back door, your son climbing in and over into his seat. Harry then begins to strap his daughter into her car seat while you climb in the front. Security keeps the paparazzi away from Harry as he moves around the car and into the drivers seat. “You okay, buddy?” He asks his son as he starts the car and is finally able to get away from the flashing cameras. You turn to look back at your pouting son who had his arms crossed. You reach your hand back, trying to sooth your still crying daughter.

“I’m mad.” He answers. You smile and reach to ruffle his hair.

“You’re a very good big brother.” You tell him. He looks over at his baby sister before reaching over, taking her hand in his. She grips back at the comfort of her brother, her crying stopping just a bit.

“It’s okay, Y/D/N, those mean people are gone now.” He reassures her. You turn and smile over at Harry.

“He handles the paparazzi better than we do.” Harry jokes. You grin and shrug.

“Sadly, he’s pretty used to them by now. She isn’t though.” You answer, referring to your daughter. Harry nods, still focusing on the road. “He takes after you with being so caring. You’ve always cared for others feelings more than your own.”

“I dunno, love, I think he takes that after you.” You laugh, shaking your head. Harry reaches his hand out, offering it to you. You smile, resting your hand in his large ringed hand, gripping at his fingers as he laces his through yours.

“You’ve always been the kind gentleman to everyone. It’s kind of something you’re known for, babe.” You tell him. “I don’t think you have a mean bone in your body, honestly.”

“I was about to get very mean with the paparazzi back there but he beat me to it.” You laugh, looking back at your son who was focused on his sister who was thankfully no longer crying as she giggled and laughed at the faces he was making at her.



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