Mother's day

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Y/n wakes up to the feeling of her daughter’s lips kissing all over her face, the sounds of her giggles filling the once quiet, sun-soaked room and Y/n doesn’t think she’s ever heard a sound quite that beautiful this early in the morning.

It sounds like a song — a perfect one, one that Y/n could play over and over again and never get tired of. It’s the sound of life, of love, of happiness and joy. It’s the sound of everything good to ever come out of this world. But most importantly, it’s the sound of her world and the one she wants to live in forever and a lifetime.


“Happy mother’s day, mumma!”

Amelia is looking down at her with glowing eyes and a smile enough to shake the earth. It’s rare to have mornings like this, where her daughter is the first thing she sees. A majority of mornings it’s Harry, of course, that she wakes up to, and never has she wished for it to be any other way.

But this — this does things to her. This fills her with a love so beyond what Harry could ever give her — what anybody could ever give her — besides the little girl sitting on her lap now, throwing her arms over her shoulders and hugging her so tight she can barely breathe. And though Amelia isn’t made of the same blood as hers or shows any true resemblance to her, this moment couldn’t feel any more real.

“Oh, my princess!” Y/n hugs her back, her head nuzzling into the side of her daughter’s neck and sprawling kisses all over it. And if she didn’t have to, she wouldn’t have ever let go. “Thank you. This is already the best day I’ve ever had.”

Amelia squeals, clapping her hands, bouncing up and down on her lap as she looks over at the tray of food Harry’s placing gently upon the bed. And Y/n’s eyes swoon at her lover of over a year and admires all the ways he endlessly surprises her, everyday, without ever asking for anything in return.

He loves her. He really loves her, loves her enough to make her a part of his family and keep her there, tucking her in deeper with every day that passes, allowing her full reign on his beautiful, perfect, breathtaking daughter and never once asking her to take a step back. He wants this just as much as she does.

“Daddy and I made you breakfast! Wanna see?!” Amelia yells out excitedly, pointing to the plethora of plates and bowls waiting for her to feast on. She just can’t believe they’ve done this much for her.

“Of course I do!”

“Daddy made the pancakes but I helped him crack the eggs and mix the batter. We also made you scrambled eggs and made you your favorite, dinosaur egg oatmeal!”

“Wow!” Y/n gasps a bit dramatically for Amelia’s sake, but she really is amazed by just how much thought and effort they both put into her today. The day is still young and yet they’re here for her, going above and beyond just to make sure she feels as special as she is. It nearly brings tears to her eyes. “I have the best family in the world, don’t I? Doing all this for me.”

She presses a kiss to the top of Amelia’s head, wrapping her arm around her small frame and offering her one last, final squeeze. “I love you so much. Always will.”

“I love you too, mummy, but your squeezes make me have to pee!”

Harry and Y/n giggle in unison, watching their daughter squirm out of her tight hold and jump off their bed to run to the bathroom, looking as adorable as ever.

And when she leaves, Harry doesn’t waste a single second before he starts crawling over to her, his lips tucked between his teeth when he looks at his girlfriend and sees so much more than he used to. He finds that with each new day comes a new reason to fall in love with her, to make her happier, to offer her worlds where she is everything and anything to everybody — especially to him and Amelia.

And though Y/n has been a mother to Amelia since the very beginning of their relationship, today is different. Today is just another reassurance that yes, this is the woman he’s going to be with forever and no, she’d never find it in her heart to leave him. Today is a clear, everlasting picture of what the rest of their lives are going to look like and if Y/n wasn’t already the most perfect woman Harry’s ever met, seeing her in this light would have taken him down to his knees.

While hovering over her, he leans down to give her the most passionate, breathtaking kiss he could offer.

“Happy mother’s day, my love.” He says once he pulls away, and Y/n hums, reaching her hand up to the back of his neck to pull him in for another. He smiles into it. They both do.

“You didn’t have to do all this.”

“It’s your first mother’s day, baby. Of course I did.” He explains in a soft tone, his thumb rubbing gently at her temple and eyes seeping with admiration. “She loves you so much. I love you so much, and over my dead body are we not making this all about you.” He pauses, trying to find the right words, but nothing can encompass the impact she’s made in their lives or just how much they truly love and respect her. It kills him that she’ll never actually, really know, but he can try. “You’ve done so much for us this past year, I hate thinking about how things were before I met you. The least we could do is give you a day of all your favorite things, even if they don’t come close to the amount of what you deserve.”

Her heart swells at his words, her eyes springing with tears as she thinks back to her life before she met Harry. It was lonely, her memories blurred and dark and glum because there wasn’t life before Harry, there wasn’t anything before him.

And to look at him now, on a morning like this, with him so close and his breath so warm, she’s never felt more alive. She sees the rest of her life in him, she always has, and there isn’t a single ounce of her soul that isn’t completely and totally invested in him. He’s her family.

“We’re perfect together, aren’t we?” She gushes, her fingers playing in his hair.

“We really are.” He smiles, still refusing to look away from her. “You know, I do want kids of our own someday.”

As if this day couldn’t get any better… Harry just said the one thing that completely blew her away, because having a child with Harry has been her dream since she met Amelia, knowing she missed so much of her life and wishing time had brought them together sooner. And though she wouldn’t trade her time with Amelia for anything, she wanted the first night home with her and the late night bottle feedings, she wanted the endless crying and the first glimpse of laughter in her arms and to feel like the mother that’ll always be there, that has always been there, and not just the one she’s found along the way.

She wants to be all in it with him.

“Me too. I think about it all the time.”

His eyebrows furrow in confusion, but his eyes glimmer with hope.

“You do?”

“Of course I do. And that isn’t me saying that I’m ready to go off birth control and start trying because I’d want us to be married first but… I don’t know. After a few years of growing more into my relationship with Amelia and being the best mum I can be to her first, I really want to raise another child with you. And I actually want to be there, through all the sleepless nights and chaotic mornings, for all the firsts and seconds and lasts. As long as it’s with you.”

The beat of his heart fastens in such glorious ways as he thinks about their future, their kids, their weekends spent at parks and picnics and staying up on Saturday’s. It had been so long since he’s seen himself there — as a father with a wife and kids and grandkids — and even when he did, it didn’t feel as right and real as it does now, because they weren’t with her, but now they are, an he can’t imagine it being any other way.

“I promise to give that to you, okay? You have my word.”

She nods, her cheeks blushed and lips tugging to a smile as he leans down to kiss her again, for the third time this morning. And there would have been a fourth, a fifth, a sixth if it weren’t for their daughter barging in from the hallway, laughter filling the air again, and their hearts.

“Mumma! What movie do you want to watch with breakfast?”



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