don't you know I'm right here?

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Harry is usually known for dressing up the truth.

He used to be the type of person who would wince at the idea of lying to someone, even if it was simply by omission, because lying meant prolonging the inevitable, and prolonging the inevitable meant widening the scope of pain he’d cause when the inevitable would do what its very definition entails: reveal the unavoidable reality of whatever he’d been trying to hide. Lying meant playing God. It meant warping someone else’s perceptions and emotions, and manipulating them for the sake of his own benefit, without taking into consideration how his lies would impact their lives in the future. It just wasn’t right— it wasn’t fair. Leading people astray wasn’t something he should have power over; everyone deserves to know the truth of their situation, at the very least, because truth is what builds trust, and trust builds credibility, and credibility builds happiness. It’s a domino effect, really, and just as it can be tipped towards the favorable good, it can also tip towards the destructive bad. Harry used to believe that it was every individual’s responsibility to choose the right side— to tip the first piece with benevolent intentions— and to uphold the foundation of basic human decency, not for selfish reasons, but for the welfare of humanity as a whole. 

But Harry is no longer human, therefore he is technically no longer part of humanity, which means he can put to rest the stupid Obi-Wan Kenobi moral superiority bullshit he followed back when he wasn’t an immortal. An immortal who is now— by every means imaginable— superior in every other way except moral. Lying has become an integral part of who he is, and when it gets down to the nitty-gritty, he actually does it for the good of everyone outside of his kind. Perhaps he does possess a shred of humanitarianism after all.

Of course, it’s also because he’d rather not end up dismembered in a lab under an obscure military base in the middle of a desert. He’s too attractive to be torn to bits in the name of science; it’d be such a waste of a pretty face. 

So, now that Harry has changed not only outwardly (all for the better, honestly), but also in his inward ethical ideals, lying has become second-nature. Most times. Does he still feel a tad uncomfortable when he does it? Yes, but only with certain people— namely, his friends and his girlfriend. Everyone else is collateral damage. So what if he lied to Jeff Bezos about a charity for an endangered species of turtles (his knowledge courtesy of a graduate zoology student he slept with a couple of years back—

thanks for the lecture and accompanying fellatio, Emelio). Bezos is a rich elitist prick, and the money is going to a great cause either way: the vampire’s collection of YSL boots.

With all of this taken into account, Harry wouldn’t hold it against anyone for taking everything that comes out of his mouth with a grain of salt. Most of it is a variant of some form of bluff, and the fact that he can usually pass it off as truth without batting an eye makes doubting him the more compelling alternative. However, there is one declaration that the monster can confidently make, which he can promise on his undead life is the truth and nothing but the truth: can kiss his ass.

The entire website can do it— every last scrap of dating advice, every review written by a random moron claiming to speak some type of relationship scripture, and every little statistical conclusion highlighted in digital pink hearts and rainbow confetti. The lovey-dovey timeline, the 95.7% seven day statistic, and especially those two cartoon hearts snogging on that couch. They can all kiss his ass, because despite his dodgy romantic past and his laughable potential for being a decent monogamous partner, he still somehow manages to nail the first week of his new relationship without reducing it to fire and rubble. Maybe debunking the Internet should become his new hobby; there’s no one better to test myths than a myth himself.

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