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Harry has always struggled with finding the place that fit him best. London was nice because it was similar to where he grew up and close to family, but it didn’t hold his heart. The states were just so different from what he was used to and so far from family. It held the appeal of Malibu and everything Los Angeles has to offer. He always spent his time bouncing between the two.

That is until he met Y/n.

She came into his life as a force of nature, smiling and changing every fiber of him as she went. Harry knew that he had to talk to her or he would regret it until the day he died.

(Harry’s POV)

I can’t tear my eyes away from her even if I were lit on fire, I’m sure of it. She is throwing her entire body into the music, her eyes closed as she’s entranced in it. She doesn’t care what she looks like, but dances with how she feels. I’m in awe of the energy she’s providing. The club scene has never been my favorite, especially in L.A but I know if she were always here I would never leave.

She finally opens her eyes and they meet mine instantly. It’s as if she knew I was staring. She could feel it in her soul like the way mine is right now. I feel my cheeks heat up, but I smirk at her completely unashamed. Her dancing doesn’t even falter for a second as she winks before turning back to her friend.

She spins around, jumping around occasionally to the beat. The light shines on her perfectly. I’m sure I’m not the only one in this club that recognizes there’s an angel on the dancefloor tonight. She throws her head back in laughter at something the friend said and all I can wonder is if I could make her laugh like that.

She makes me want to get up and leave the VIP section, which I’ve never done to catch the name of a girl. I don’t know if I can go much longer without knowing her first name. Against my better judgement, I leave the higher up VIP area and wander down to the dancefloor. It’s warmer down here with all of the lights and the bodies, it takes me a few minutes for me to find the mystery girl. Once I do, it’s like my feet glue me to the ground. I don’t know what I would say to the girl that I think might plague my every thought for the rest of my life.

“And he leaves his kingdom to come down and join the peasants.” A voice yells closely. My eyes refocus as my attention is pulled to the Mystery girl now in front of me.

“Is that what you think of me being up there?” I ask, mustering the courage to speak to her. I don’t think a person has ever had this affect on me, not like this. Her sass is even more intriguing.

“What? Do most girl you eye-fuck just come right up to you begging to sit with you in VIP?”

“That’s not what I was- eye-fuck?” I chuckle.

“You have been eye-fucking me all night.” She smirks and takes a few steps closer to me. Her breath fans across my cheek. “It’s alright though, I don’t blame you.”

The confidence.

“Wow.” I roll my eyes, I can’t let her know she’s right.

“Bullseye. You know I actually thought you might be different, though it’s rare, I am wrong sometimes.”

She starts to walk away, but as if my body is acting for itself now I grab her upper arm and pull her back.

“Different how?” You don’t even know me?”

“Don’t I? I see the appeal for you, Harry Styles.”

She knows who I am!

“The girl who isn’t fawning over you, I’m not drooling. I’m just some girl. You don’t know her story.” She smiles, “But trust me, I’d only break your heart.”

[H.S] ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant