10 Things I Hate About You:

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You were used to none of your classmates liking you anymore. In fact, you preferred that. You were over the ridiculous high school cliches of getting drunk and sleeping together. You just focused on your classes, your music, and the promise of getting out of here one day. You didn't go on dates, you didn't go to parties. Those things just weren't you.

Your little sister on the other hand... She was younger than you but was classified as the most popular girl in school. The two of you didn't really get along anymore, being from two different social circles and being the complete opposite of each other. She wanted to date, but couldn't. She and the most popular, and douchiest, guy in school had a thing going but your father had a rule.

"You can date, when she dates." Your dad said to your little sister after he found out about her thing with him. He pointed over at you as you lounged on the couch, reading a book. Your sister gasped.

"No one wants to date her though! I'll never go on a date then!" She screams as you shrug, completely agreeing with her. You didn't go on dates, with anyone.

It was about two weeks later when Harry Styles, the school 'bad boy', seemed to have taken a liking to you. Harry didn't really fit in with many people. He had his group of friends, the guys who he ditched class with, got drunk with. There were a ton of rumors about Harry, as well. Apparently he'd been arrested a couple of times, even spending time in jail. There was also a rumor that he'd killed someone before, but you figured that one was a lie, the others you weren't so sure about.

One thing you did know though, was that Harry was sexy. The problem was though, that he knew it. He knew he was hot, with his long dark curls, his tight jeans, his boots, his accent, he even had some tattoos. He walked around with an air about him like he could get anyone he wanted but that everyone around wasn't good enough for him anyway. You detested that and him.

So when he approached you one day about a date, you scoffed and brushed him off. You had no idea what he was playing at but you didn't care enough to find out. You didn't have time for him or his ego.

You were at a club one night, seeing one of your favorite bands when he was all of a sudden there. You'd gone to get you and a friend some waters and there he was, sitting at the bar, a smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" You called over the music. He looks you up and down, still smirking. He pushes his long curls from his face and shrugs.

"Taking in the music, of course." He answers. You roll your eyes, grab your waters and head back through the crowd but of course he follows. "Want to go to that party with me on Friday?" He asks as the two of you fight through the crowd.

"What?" You question, frowning at him as the two of you come to a stop.

"Come on, go to the party with me." He asks again, smirking. "You look damn sexy here dancing, I want to see more of it." You roll your eyes. "I won't stop until you say yes."

"Goodbye, Harry." You laugh, shake your head and disappear into the crowd, thankfully losing him.

Somehow though, you find yourself walking into the party with him at your side. You did it mostly for your sister though. You thought you would be nice and let her have a good night. She of course couldn't go unless you went as well so for her you bit the bullet. Harry found out you were going and showed up at your house to ride with you while your sister went with mr. popular douche.

"How many of those are you going to drink?" Harry questions halfway into the night after you throw back yet another shot. You'd lost count of how many you'd had but you wanted to block out this party. You stumble, falling against Harry's chest. You actually let out a giggle as you look up, seeing how beautifully green his eyes were from this close.

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