catches his sister smoking weed

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You knew you shouldn’t be doing it but you enjoyed it too much to really care. You knew your parents would ground you for the rest of high school and your big brother would probably murder you and your big sister would give you some kind of angry lecture. Out of everyone in your family, you were most worried about Harry finding out.

Your big brother was very protective of you but you were also very close to him. On summer breaks you joined him on tour with his band and spent every second with him when he was home, staying with him at his house even. You didn’t want to see that look of disappointment on his face.

You just enjoyed smoking weed so much that while you were doing it, those worries simply didn’t matter anymore and maybe that’s why you enjoyed it so much. You could escape and forget about all the stress of your life for just a bit. It was nice to just relax and not worry.

Harry was due home today so you knew your chances to smoke would be limited for the two weeks he was back so you were taking full advantage. Your mom and step-dad were away at work and Gemma didn’t even live with you guys anymore either so it was fine. Harry wasn’t supposed to be back until tonight so you had the entire afternoon to smoke.

You were mid drag when your bedroom door opened. You had been so consumed in making sure the smoke went out the open window that you hadn’t heard the voice calling out your name from downstairs. You see Harry’s long curls, his tattooed arms, his skinny black jeans and brown boots, not wanting to see those green eyes just yet. You stub out the joint quickly, trying to hide it but you knew you were caught.

“The fuck are you doing?!” Harry exclaims, rushing over to you and grabs the joint before you have a chance to completely hide it in the folds of your blankets.

“N-nothing.” You stutter, finally meeting his wide eyes. He holds up the joint and raises his eyebrows.

“You’re smoking, Y/N? I come home early to surprise you and I find you smoking?!” He yells, taking a step back to begin pacing the floor across your bedroom.

“So what if I am? Not your business, really.” You mutter, crossing your arms and looking down at your carpet, focusing on it instead of his angry face.

“It is my business! You’re my little sister, it’s my job to make sure you’re safe and well, and smoking weed is not exactly being safe and well.” You roll your eyes, shaking your head.

“Oh come on, like you’ve never smoked it, your band mates do.” You yell back, mentioning when Louis and Zayn were caught with it a few months back. Harry rolls his eyes.

“I’ve tried it before, sure, but I feel like this is more than just you trying it.” He goes over to your open window and tosses the joint straight out of it.

“Hey!” You yell as you watch it fly out, landing on the grass below your window. You turn back to Harry, your eyes narrowing. “You aren’t my parent, Harry, you have no right to tell me what to do.”

“I just can’t believe you think that this is okay!” He shakes his head, pushing back his long hair, his eyes still narrowed at you. “I’m so disappointed in you, Y/N, I thought you were above this.” He shakes his head once more and leaves the room, slamming the door after him.

You fall back on your bed as your eyes well up in tears. Those were the exact words you feared you would hear coming from his mouth. You disappointed your brother, your best friend, and he walked out on you, left you here alone and that hurt.

Around the time you knew your parents would be home, you control your tears and splash cold water on your face, trying to hide the fact that you’ve been crying. Harry had left earlier when he walked out on you but when he was originally supposed to be back, he showed up, walking and getting hugs from your mom and step-dad.

He looks over at you, no smile in sight. You stand a ways away, biting at your lip, unsure of what to do. You knew your parents could see the change in attitude towards each other and you didn’t really want them to know and ask questions. You couldn’t exactly tell them he was angry at you for smoking pot. Though he may tell them anyway.

“Do I not get a hug then, love?” Harry finally says, opening his arms towards you. You can’t help but smile and go over to fall into his chest. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tight. “I’m sorry for walking out earlier.” He whispers in your ear, making sure no one else heard.

“I’m sorry too.” You pull back to say, looking up into his face. He smiles and nods, getting a smile from you in return.

“I forgive you, if you forgive me.” He says, making your grin grow.

“I forgive you and I won’t do it again, I promise.” And you meant it. Getting high wasn’t good enough to ever have to hear Harry say he was disappointed in you again. He was more important to you than weed would ever be.

“What are you two whispering about now?” Your mother asks, walking over to you. You laugh, stepping away from Harry. He rests an arm across your shoulders, pulling you against his side.

“Oh nothing, just talking about what movies we’re gonna watch at my place tonight.” He tells his mother, making her smile and nod. Movie night at Harry’s was always a tradition for his first night home and you were glad he still was up for it after this afternoon. You were so thankful that he forgave you. You were stupid to ever think he wouldn’t find out. But he forgave you, and that’s all that mattered.



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