kisses pregnant girlfriend belly:

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You felt like you were as big as a house. Your stomach was so round and protruding at this point that you couldn’t even see your toes when you looked down. Your boyfriend assured you that they were still there but you were beginning to doubt it.

All you wanted to do was lay in bed all day and eat ice cream. So that’s what you did. Harry usually joined you, when he wasn’t at the studio with the guys. Harry was the best through this entire pregnancy. He got you whatever you wanted or needed without asking any questions or complaining and he made sure to tell you how beautiful you looked everyday, even when you didn’t believe him and knew he was lying.

“I just can’t wait to hold her.” He whispers one afternoon as the two of you lay in bed. He was on his side beside you, one hand resting on your stomach where your baby girl currently resided. Harry was so excited when you found out you two were having a girl. He was going to spoil her like crazy, you could already tell.

“Just a few more weeks.” You assure him, your fingers brushing through his hair. He looks up at you, that adorable grin that you love so much on his face, his dimples making an appearance. He leans in for a soft kiss before he turns his attention back to your bump. He scoots down the bed a bit so his face was right next to your stomach.

“Daddy loves you so much, baby girl.” He says quietly to your stomach, his hand rubbing against your swollen skin. Harry loved talking to your stomach everyday. He made sure to always tell her how much he loved her, he even sang to her occasionally. “You and mummy are going to have everything you could ever want in the world. I’m going to make sure of it.” He presses a soft kiss against the side of your stomach and as he does, you feel a soft kick against your abdomen.

Harry had felt the kick against his hand and looked up at you, his face alight with a wide grin. You smile back at him. It was slightly uncomfortable to have a tiny human kicking at your insides but it never stopped being absolutely magical and the look on Harry’s face made it all worth it.

“I love your mum so much, baby girl.” He turns back to your bump, pressing his nose against your skin. “I loved her so much even before you, but now that she’s given me you, I don’t think I could ever love anyone or anything as much as I love the two of you. You’re the most important thing in my entire life.” He wiggles his nose against your stomach before kissing it again.

“If you don’t stop soon, you’re going to make me cry.” You tell him, reaching down to play your fingers in his hair, tugging it playfully a bit. He looks up at you, smiling.

“You cry at everything, love.” He jokes making you laugh and shrug. He had a point.

“It’s your fault.” You joke. You constantly told him that this was all his fault when the downsides of pregnancy made an appearance; morning sickness, mood swings, weight gain. You always tell him that he shouldn’t have been so damn irresistible. You weren’t really serious though, you were so thankful for this little miracle growing in your stomach.

“Oh, I plan on doing this to you a couple more times, love, so be prepared.” He tells you, smiling. You just laugh and shake your head before he turns back to your stomach. “You’re going to be the most spoiled child in the entire world, sweetheart.” He mutters and she gives another kick. You smile at his delighted face. “As much as I love you showing you can hear me, you should stop making your mum uncomfortable so she can get some sleep now, alright?”

“Yes, please.” You add making him laugh.

“Goodnight, sweet girl.” He kisses your stomach one last time, giving it an affectionate pat before he slides back up to be face to face with you. “I love you so much.” He tells you before resting his hand on your cheek and pressing his lips to yours. You honestly couldn’t imagine a better boyfriend and father to your children. You were so lucky.



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