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The morning sun crept through your window, its rays warming up your cold skin. You would normally be temperate and comfortable, but without your loving husband, Harry, sleeping next to you, you were left to feel a cold and empty bed instead.

Harry was in Japan currently. He said he needed some time to escape and write music, for his new album, just like he had done when he went to Jamaica. You had been reluctant to the idea at first, because you knew how much you, your 3 year old daughter and 1 year old son, would miss him, but he assured you that he’d call, text, face-time and even snapchat you both all the time. And he kept his word. Even if he was like a granddad when it came to using snapchat!

You knew he needed the time to himself, because that’s when he writes his best music, and you didn’t want to be the one to take that away from him.

But it has been really hard.

You definitely couldn’t have coped if you didn’t have Anne, Gemma or your parents around to help.

You knew that Harry wasn’t escaping to get away from family responsibilities, because he would do anything, and you mean anything, to help you out when he was here. His management had been pushing him for new music for a while, but he explained he wasn’t ready. However, when management started to become more strict with him, you told him he must go - just for a little bit.

He made sure that Theodore, you newest baby, was at least 1 year old before he went to Japan. He was only going for 5 weeks. It was always lovely face-timing him, although each time it made it much harder to say goodbye to him.

As you turned over to look at the alarm clock you heard the light pitter-patter of feet, on the hardwood floors, indicating that Ella, your daughter, was about to intrude into your bedroom. It had been like this most mornings recently, the feelings of missing her dad growing stronger.

The door was slowly pushed open and you felt movement on your bed sheets. It wasn’t long before Ella’s small hands were softly pushing your body, thinking that she was waking you up herself.

“Mummy wake up!” Ella whined.

You turned your body to face her. Her hair was crazily orientated over her head, which was the sign of a good nights sleep. Her large, green orbs were so bright and happy you were sure they could make even the saddest person smile.

“Morning, baby.” You poked her in the stomach, earning a little giggle from her.

“No mummy.” She swatted your hand away. “Mummy?” She crawled over the bed sheets to crawl on top of you. You shuffled back against the headboard so you could get comfortable, whilst also paying attention to Ella.

“What, my love?” You patted her hair down in places, trying to calm the chaos.

“Do you know whose birthday it is today?” She asked in a sing-song voice.

“Let me think.” You played along with her, scratching your head for effect, obviously knowing it was her birthday. “Is it a gorgeous, little girl, called Ellas’, birthday today?” You rhetorically asked. Ella was smart for her age and so she’d caught on to the fact you were messing with her.

“That’s me! Mummy, that’s me!” She jumped onto her feet and started bouncing on the king sized bed. You never understood why you’d bought a king sized bed, when you and Harry could quite easily sleep in a single bed you sleep that close. “It’s my birthday!”

“Of course it is, angel!” You grab her under her armpits, pulling her in to kiss her all over her face. “Happy birthday, my gorgeous girl.” You continued to kiss her until you believed she’d got the message that you loved her very much.

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