Romantic Smut:

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Knowing that your boyfriend was at home waiting for you to get home for the first time in months made you push down on the gas pedal just a little more. Harry had been away on tour and you hadn’t been able to get time off of work to go see him much. Today also happened to be your two year anniversary and you were excited to see what he had planned, he told you over the phone that afternoon after his plane landed and he was on his way to the house that he had a plan and that you would love it. You were excited to see whatever it was.

As soon as you parked in your driveway, you tried not to run towards the front door. You just wanted to kiss your boyfriend already, you had missed him so much. You couldn’t wait to feel his lips on yours, his arms tight around you as your fingers run through that long hair of his.

Just as you approach the door, it is pulled open and there he is. He has that sweet smile on his lips as he steps out of the door. You grin up at him and go to wrap your arms around his neck, your lips easily finding his while his arms go to wrap around your hips. He lifts you off the ground slightly, his strong arms holding you tightly. He sets you back down and pulls back to smile at you. He nudges his nose against yours. You can’t keep the smile off of your face.

“Welcome home, babe.” He kisses you again gently.

“Shouldn’t I be the one welcoming you home?” You ask, laughing a little. “I’m not the one that’s been away for 3 months.” He laughs too and shrugs.

“Aren’t significant others supposed to welcome each other home after work?” He wonders. You laugh and shake your head.

“I’m not sure but since when have we been like other couples?” You question. He gives a loud laugh and shrugs in agreement.

“You’re right.” He kisses you again before releasing you and steps back, gesturing for you to enter the house. “After you, my love.” You grin and step over the threshold. You drop your bag to the ground by the door as Harry’s hands come up to the shoulders of your jacket and tug it off for you, hanging it up beside the door. He leans in and kisses the side of your neck before taking your hand and pulls you down the hall.

“So, what do you have planned for the evening?” You wonder as you walk but as soon as he pulls you into the dining room, you gasp. Your dining room table was set for dinner, two plates full of your favorite food. There were two candle sticks between the plates, a bottle of wine, wine glasses resting beside them. There was a large bouquet of red roses in a vase as well. The lights were dimmed, the candles being the main source of light.

“Happy anniversary, love.” You turn to face your boyfriend as he speaks these words softly. “Do you like it?” He questions.

“Like it?” You respond, laughing shortly. “I love it, thank you, Harry.” You turn and place a soft kiss on his lips.

“Shall we eat?” He gestures for you to sit down, which you do. He even pushes your chair in for you. “I cooked all of this, I’ve been slaving away in the kitchen, making sure it was perfect.” You smile at him, reaching over to rest your hand on his on top of the table.

“It looks amazing, thank you.” He just grins and nods. The two of you dig in and it was just as amazing as you figured it would be. He really had made it perfect.

“You know,” He starts after the two of you had finished the food. You had made small talk all through the meal, mostly chatting about how tour had been. “I thought about taking you out, doing something out of the house but then I thought that about how this is our house, and what better way to celebrate each other and me being home then it being just the two of us in our home.”

“I couldn’t think of a better way either, this is perfect.” You tell him, meaning every single word. This was amazing and everything you could ask for from you boyfriend. Two years with this man and he still made your heart race like it did the first time you saw him, or your first kiss with him, and every time you made love, it felt just as magical and special as the first time. Two years and you couldn’t ask for anything more.

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