How You Feel:

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Harry never yelled to anybody, the girls who shared their experiences said how they were following Harry, also another girl said Harry told her to stop following him. They never mentioned the fact Harry yelled him and this video of the fans having a breakdown seeing him you can clearly heard him and he doesn’t yell at them.

Harry has all the right to decline a photo (with or without her). It isn’t the first time Harry decline he did in the past even before meeting her so stop saying he is starting to be an horrible person like her.

Harry has for years accepted fans hard behavior toward him. He joked with some and they told him very angrily “we traveled for you we deserve a pic” Harry came to them to please them when he could’ve just said “I never asked you to”, someone was rude to him for not posing correctly and he still was nice to them and listen to them when he should’ve just run away from them. And when this happened everyone was angry at the fans and told everyone to treat him like a decent human that deserve respect. But now several fans who met him are brave enough to admit publicly they followed him when he tried to tell them not to and here instead of being angry at fans for not respecting him you yell at him ?

Why a change in the narrative ?is it because here they were “nice” enough to tell you they were following him and not you discovering later their behavior ? Is it because you hate so much Olivia you think he is like her ? Sorry but it isn’t about Olivia here, Harry deserve respect. I don’t care he was running around the most crowded place of Dublin, to be seen or not be seen no matter what you believe, he fucking deserve not to be followed and for you to accept when he tells you no. Fans think they deserve special treatment only because without fans artist are nothing but you forget that outside the stage they are fucking human. It’s not because you are the one paying for his life to still be this life that Harry has to come down in one knee and kiss your ass.

Harry never yelled at anyone and it’s just you and your anger making stuff up when fans that really were there meeting him never said he was angry and yelled. Yes he has the right to frown at them it’s not being disrespectful and yelling at them. He has the right to show emotion. Harry kissed y’all asses for too long you now can’t accept that Harry isn’t smiling every fucking minute for you. Harry is a human and even if tomorrow he yelled at someone because they were following him I wouldn’t be mad at him. You have to choose a camp here. Harry didn’t do anything and even if he yelled he still wouldn’t be the person to be mad at. Open your eyes and stop using the hate you have toward Harry, for whatever the reason is, to hate more on Harry instead of fans not respecting him.

Harrys fandom have more women so as a woman you should know what it is to be followed by strangers in the street. Remember that for Harry you are unknown to him, he also had a past with stalkers and probably huge huge anxiety from this. If you look at some video/photo of fans over the years Harry still look back if they follow him because he is scared. It isn’t fun, it isn’t cute, and nope you don’t deserve to meet and talk to him and have a photo only because he pays his bills with your money. You pay the bills on the cashier at your local supermarket do you follow them as well ? You are just being stupid here.

Also if any British person think they deserve Harry to have them a photo taken with them remember that you don’t treat your Queen and her family who live rent free for years thanks to you the same way. Clapping and celebrating her to just be one of the richest family to live without doing anything is fun and acceptable but Harry wanting to not be followed is just him being an horrible person. Sorry was a free target here but I’m so angry at angry fans right now. Y’all need to see how stupid some of you can be sometimes.

Choose your battle and pick the right one or leave.



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