Are You Even Attractive To Me?

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You and Harry have been dating for about 6 months now. He has been a complete gentleman the whole time and you loved him for it, but something was missing.

You two had met by chance, at a party, you both didn’t want to be at. Harry came over to you and made a dad joke and complimented your outfit. You two hit it off, exchanged numbers, and are now completely head over heels for each other. You are still in the honeymoon phase and you almost never argue.

However, you haven’t had sex yet, like not once, not even oral, phone, nothing. The topic has never come up and, honestly, you were getting very horny and impatient. You could only look at Harry for a little bit now and not want to just jump on top of him and start riding him. He was absolutely stunning. From his brown hair to his beautiful green eyes to every tattoo on his body, the man was perfect.

You knew he was a ladies man. Harry has had his fair share of girlfriends and hook-ups but seemed totally uninterested in that part with you. It’s not like you weren’t touchy with each other. Your make-out sessions got you all hot and bothered. Harry would leave his hand on your inner thigh when he was driving. You’d always cuddle and he would hold on to your legs when you put them on his lap while sitting on the couch. But the sex part, non-existent, like you were just two friends who like making out.

Harry came over to your apartment tonight and you two planned on watching movies and pigging out all night long, but you also wanted to confront him about your situation.

When he entered he placed a passionate kiss on your lips and set down the food he brought over for your date night.

You admired him, unpacking all the food and talking about the people at the restaurant and how they threw in extra fries because he had to wait long and you just love him so much. Wow. Love. You hadn’t said it to each other yet, but you knew you did love him.

“And I made sure to get extra ketchup for yeh cause I know yeh love ketchup…” He looked up at you staring at him and his cheeks turned a rosy pink. “Why yeh staring at me like dat, (Y/N)?”

You smiled and looked down at the floor. “You’re just an amazing boyfriend, that’s all.”

You walked over to the table and helped him unpack the food, then sat down to eat. He ordered take-out and you were starving, you devoured the food in seconds.

After your lovely dinner, you took the handfuls of snacks and laid them out on the table in the living room. You had a collection of movies, but usually you two decided on watching something on Netflix.

Harry picked some sappy rom-com about a boy and girl who were best friends their whole life and then fell in love.

When the movie was over and the credits were rolling, you decided now was a good time to bring the topic up.

“Hey, Har…” you start.

“Yes, babe?”

“Um… do you find me attractive or what?” you asked, biting your lip.

“(Y/N), where did dat come from? Of course, I find yeh attractive. Yeh’re my girlfriend, for heaven’s sake,” he took your face in his hands and kissed you.

“Well then, how come you haven’t banged me against the headboard yet?” you blurted out.

That was the moment Harry decided to pick up a Twizzler and eat it and he nearly choked on it. “What?!?!”

“I know you’re not a virgin and actually quite the ladies man. So why haven’t we had sex yet?” you asked again.

“(Y/N)…” Harry let out a heavy breath. “We ‘aven’t even said the L-word yet. Er lot of my past relationships were with me because I’m Harry Styles, international pop star or because they wanted ta get in my pants. When we met, yeh weren’t like dat. Yeh listened ta me and actually like me fo’ me instead of just meh body and that is more special ta me than yeh know. Of course, I wanna make love ta yeh and kiss every inch of yehr body, but I didn’t wanta rush yeh either. Consent always,” he rambled.

You took his hand in yours and smiled at him. “I love you Harry, I do. And I’m not just saying that. I realized it tonight when you were unpacking the food. The way your care and remember the little things, that’s special. You are a beautiful person inside AND out and I won’t rush us.”

“I love you too, (Y/N), so much,” Harry now had tears in his eyes and he kissed you once again. “Thank you for lovin’ me, the real me.”

You now sat on his lap, legs on either side of his and your tongue slipped in between his lips. Your hands slipped to the back of his head and tangled in his hair. His hands were now placed on your hips. You felt his bulge hit your clothed core and you let out a moan. You pulled away from the his lips for a second.

“How have you lasted this long without any, you know, action?” You asked curiously.

Harry’s head hung low with a cheeky smile on it. “I get by. Wankin’ off and then your name leaving my lips when I cum helps.”

Your core was on fire. “Shit. That’s hot.”

Harry chuckled. “‘Bout yeh?”


“Yeah. How’ve yeh been handling yourself not gettin’ a piece of all this,” he gestured to himself with a huge smirk on his face.

“Well, my other boyfriend is a big help,” you joked.

“That’s not funny, (Y/N),” Harry scowled.

You laughed. “I honestly don’t know. You’re literally like a Greek god from head to toe. I don’t know how I haven’t just jumped your bones yet.”

“‘M not a Greek god, babe. Far from it,” Harry said.

“Mmm, I don’t know. I haven’t seen all of you yet,” you raised an eyebrow, “but I think you’re pretty close.” You moved your hips on his crotch, causing him to let out a moan.

“Yeh wanna do this now, love? Yeh sure?” he asked.

You nodded fast. “Please. I might combust if we don’t.”

Harry let out a hearty laugh and moved his hand down to your core, feeling your wetness. “Bloody soaked fo’ me. Shit.”

You were riding his hand, getting lost in the moment, this was the most intimate he’s ever been with you and you could’ve cum right then and there. “How-how big are, Har?”

“‘M six foot, yeh know that.”

“No, Har,” your hand snaked down to his bulge. “How BIG are you?”

“Oh,” his eyes got wide and his voice low. “‘Bout 8.8.” His cheeks got red again.

“Seriously?” you asked. He nodded. Looking up at the ceiling gesturing towards heaven, you put your hands together in a prayer-like motion. “Thank you.”

Harry laughed so hard his body shook. “Come on, love.” He gestured to get up. “I’ll show yeh just how attracted I am ta yeh.” He walked you to your bedroom.



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