He's a firefighter

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You worried every morning when Harry got up early to head into work but at the same time you welled up with happiness every time you saw him leave too because you knew he was off to do what he loved. Being a firefighter was what Harry was born to do and you supported him completely. It was just hard when he would come home some nights smelling of smoke and a look of terror hidden behind those beautiful green eyes, trying to block out images he encountered in his day on a bad call. Those days were rare though, thankfully.

You supported Harry in his career just as he supported you in yours. He was there for you every step of the way. He held you as you cried over hate you may have gotten that really hurt, he held you as you cried happy tears from winning an award or a new breakthrough in your career. He held you close as camera’s flashed all around you every where you went and didn’t seem to mind that almost every second of your relationship was broadcast across the internet on a daily basis.

You were so thankful to have such a kind and loving man beside you every day. You hated when you had to leave home for work, not being able to see him for sometimes weeks at a time but he would post cute pictures on Instagram or cute messages on Twitter to keep you going, reminders of why he loved you and plans he had for when you got home. He really was the perfect boyfriend and you couldn’t be more thankful for him.

“I love you, you know?” You say to him one morning as the two of you lay in your warm and comfy bed, not ready to get up and face the day just yet. He had a day off and you had an award show tonight, which he was attending with you, that was why he had the day off.

“And I love you.” He responds easily with a smile on his face. His arm wraps tighter around your shoulders as you rest your fingers on his cheek, your nails skimming across his dimple before you lean in to press your lips to his, both of you smiling against the others lips.

Eventually the two of you managed to get out of bed and get showered after eating some breakfast together. As you laced up your shoes, needing to be at the fitting for the gown you were wearing tonight in 20 minutes, Harry snapped a picture of you.

“What are you doing?” You question him as you see him typing away, a grin on his face. He just shakes his head and leans down to peck your lips gently before he turns towards the mirror, running his fingers through his long brown curls, pushing them away from his face. He fixes up the few buttons of his shirt he actually decided to button and deemed himself ready to go.

You grab your phone and as he leads the way to his Range Rover, you open Instagram and see the picture he had just taken in all it’s black and white glory. You were leaned over, doing up the laces of your shoe, there was nothing spectacular about the moment, which is why you weren’t sure why he decided to take it in the first place. You read the caption as you buckle up in your seat and he backs out of the driveway.

“Getting ready to start the day that is surely going to end with another award for my gorgeous and hard-working girl. I love you, sweetheart. I am so proud of you, always.”

“Let’s not get too sure of ourselves here and jinx my chances of winning.” You say, reaching over to rest your hand on his thigh as he drives. He grins and takes your hand, bringing the back of your hand up to his lips for a gentle kiss before resting your now joined hands on his thigh. You squeeze his fingers gently, smiling at him.

“I have no doubt in my mind that you’re getting that award tonight, love.” He assures you confidently. “No one is more deserving.” He shoots you a smile before focusing back on the road. You grin back before turning back to your phone, looking over the comments of his picture.

“She has this win in the bag!”

“Love how much you support her! I need a man like that.”

“You two are honestly the cutest, I can’t handle this!”

All of the comments were always so positive when you posted about each other, which was often. Everyone loved the two of you together and supported your relationship completely. You constantly got comments such as “#relationshipgoals” on almost anything you posted. You really were so grateful for the love and support of those around you, in all things not just your relationship but your career as well.

The day moved quickly after your last fitting was finished. You had lunch with Harry at one of your favorite restaurants before you were whisked away to get your hair and makeup done by a whole group of professionals. Harry sat in a chair beside you, playing games on his phone and chatting with you. All he had to do was put his suit on 10 minutes before you had to head to the red carpet, he had it easy. He looked good no matter what though, honestly.

When you were all ready to go, Harry wrapped an arm around your waist and asked one of the makeup artists to take a picture of the two of you. You smile widely as the picture is taken, curling yourself close against your boyfriend who holds you back tightly.

“Shall we go?” He then asks after he has posted the picture with the caption: “I get to have the most beautiful date tonight. I don’t know how I got so lucky.”

“I sure am.” He smiles back at you and presses a soft kiss to your lips, careful of your lipstick. You grin and wipe what little got on his lips away with your thumb before the two of you head out to the car that was taking you to the show. As you ride, you also post the picture of the two of you.

“So happy to have this handsome man as my arm candy tonight, there’s no one else I’d rather be beside me to celebrate a wonderful night.”

Harry kisses your cheek after he reads the caption, smiling down at you.

“You look very handsome tonight.” You tell him, reaching up to run your finger across his smooth jaw. He really did look good in his suit. The top buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, like they always were, so you were able to get a small peak of his tattoos on his chest. You loved his tattoos, you loved touching them, running your fingers over them, kissing them.

“And you look very beautiful, love.” He kisses the side of your head. “We make a very nice looking couple.” You laugh and nod, unable to answer as the car comes to a stop and your door opens. You slide out, Harry following, being almost instantly blinded as cameras begin to flash all around you. Harry’s arm slides around your hips as the two of you navigate down the red carpet, stopping for pictures, and you answer a few questions from reporters.

The two of you had been doing this together for so long that he wasn’t fazed by any of this. He stood beside you, a grin on his face as he watched you do your job. He loved being able to support you and be beside you for all of this. You were so grateful that he was always there for you, no matter what. You honestly couldn’t imagine doing this with any one other than him. He was your rock, your knight in shining armor, your better half. You never again wanted a life that he wasn’t in.



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