Talks with you when you can't sleep:

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You had been tossing and turning in bed for a good hour now. The bed was always much more lonely when Harry was on tour. He had only left two days ago and you still hadn’t gotten used to the bed being cold and empty beside you.

You sit up finally, sighing. You look at the clock and see the red numbers reading that it was 2am back at you. You knew Harry had gone to bed hours ago, as he was an hour ahead of you where the guys were playing a show that night. He had gone to bed almost as soon as he calmed down after the show, having been exhausted and had a day of press the next day.

You felt so bad as you grab your phone but you didn’t know what to do anymore and he had always told you that if you needed him, he didn’t care what time it was or what he was doing, he would be there for you. You knew you wouldn’t sleep until you heard his voice so you click his name and then the green button, hearing the phone ring as you place it to your ear.

It takes a couple rings but his voice finally answers.

“Hullo?” He grumbles, obviously having been woken from a deep sleep. “Is everything okay, baby?”

“Yeah.. I just needed to hear your voice.” You answer apologetically.

“Can’t sleep, love?” He questions, a slight crackle in his tired throat.

“No,” You answer. “I’m sorry to wake you.” You felt bad for keeping him up, knowing he had a long night and an early morning ahead of him. “I just wanted to hear your voice.” You hear a small laugh in return.

“Well, I’m here now.” He tells you, clearing his throat. “Let’s have a chat, yeah?” You smile.

“Yes, please.”

“Did I tell you about today how Lou spilled his entire drink on himself before the show started?” You let out a laugh at the thought.

“No.” You answer, still smiling. You loved that Harry was totally okay staying up just to talk with you about anything and everything to help you.

“I was taking the piss out of him, he had tripped during rehearsal and he got mad so he went to shove me but the bloke hit his cup instead and it poured right there into his lap.” He laughs and you can hear that tired gravel in his voice again.

“Oh no!” You say, laughing, he laughs again in return. You could just picture as he runs his hand through his long hair, pushing it away from his face like he always does.

“Yeah, he had to rush and find a new pair of jeans before the show started.”

“I really appreciate you talking with me, Harry.” You tell him sincerely.

“It’s no problem, love.” He responds and you can hear the smile in his voice. “I always told you to call me no matter what it time it is, remember?”

“I know, but you had a show last night and have to get up in a few hours for press. I just feel bad.” You bite at your lip.

“You’re more important to me than sleep, baby.” You can’t help but smile. “Besides, I love hearing your voice so it’s worth it.”

“You promise it’s okay?” You ask. “I just miss you laying beside me, the bed feels so empty without you.”

“Trust me, love, I know. I feel so empty in bed without you too.” You hear him yawn. “I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again.”

“You can go to sleep, babe.” You tell him. You were feeling more drowsy now that you had heard his voice and talked with him, you felt better. “I think I can fall asleep now.”

“Well let’s just stay on the phone until we fall asleep, yeah?” You could hear that he was already starting to fall back asleep as he lets out a content sigh. “I love you.” He mutters, half asleep already. You can’t help but smile, feeling sleep start to take you over as well.

“I love you, Harry.” You whisper back and with his breathing, and soon his soft snores, in your ear, you fall asleep easily.



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