Underneath Your Clothes By Shakira:

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You would never really understand how you got so lucky. As you look across your crowded living room, your eyes searching for your love, you just wonder what you did to make this all happen. Your eyes come to rest on Harry as he jokes with his best friend Louis. He laughs, throwing his head back, his long brown hair flipping over his shoulders. You can’t keep the smile off of your face as his adorable laugh reaches your ears.

You had been with Harry for a year now and your heart beat for him. He brought a smile to your face even on your darkest days and since you met him, those dark days were being more and more limited. He was taking away your reasons to cry. You looked across at him and couldn’t help but think that he was yours, he was all yours. You got to fall asleep beside him every night, wrapped up against his bare tattooed chest, held tightly by his muscular arms. That was yours, all yours.

After the party was over and your house was finally empty, Harry walked over to you, smiling. He had put a slow song on the radio, letting it play softly around you from the speakers that had been blaring dance music all night.

“Shall we dance, my love?” He asks, reaching his hand out for you. You smile, taking his hand and allowing him to pull you against him. He holds one of your hands in his, his other hand resting on your waist while your free hand rests on his shoulder. He sways you back and forth and even spins you around, making you smile as you come back into his arms.

After everyone was gone, the party over, it was still the two of you. The two of you were still together and one. You belonged together, it was as simple as that. Things were so good and you were so thankful to get moments like this with the man of your dreams, your perfect man, the man who made you feel at home and whole again.

“What you thinkin’ about love?” He asks quietly as you both continue to sway back and forth. His hand on your waist pulls you close against him. You smile up at him, shaking your head.

“Just about how much I love you.” You confess making him grin. He places a very gentle kiss against your lips before spinning you out again. When you curl against his chest again, you rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. “Thank you.” You whisper.

“For what, sweetheart?” He asks as he presses his lips to the top of your head. You lift your head to look back up into his green eyes, smiling. He looks down at you with the same love and adoration that you felt inside for him.

“For being mine.” You say simply. “For letting me spend everyday with you, for loving me, for making me feel whole when we make love, for just.. being you.” He gives you a sweet smile, his eyes shining.

“You know you are my entire universe, love.” He whispers. The two of you had stopped swaying to the music still playing around you as you look into each other’s eyes. “You don’t have to thank me, it is I who am so grateful that you are in my life.”

“You make me whole, Harry.” You meant every word as you said it to him. “I love you more than all that’s on the planet.” You actually felt tears welling up in your eyes, but happy tears. Tears brought on by the sheer love you felt for this man.

“You are my life and I love you, as well.” He says to you, smiling down at you. “Now, shall we dance again?” He questions, spinning you out once more. You giggle and fall back into his arms. He grins at you, pressing his lips to yours. Your fingers trail across his clothed chest, trailing down to the him of his shirt. As your fingers move underneath the fabric of his shirt and feel the soft skin underneath you feel at home and right where you’re meant to be. He belonged to you, and you to him.



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