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Life’s been a complete roller-coaster for you since these past few months, you got contract to walk down the stage for this year’s Victoria Secret Fashion Show. It’s a dream come true, you always dreamed to be a model someday. So after your messy break-up with Harry, this opportunity made you feel excited, and didn’t give you much time to sulk over the break-up. You really were grateful, you’ve been busy with the show.

Sure, the first two months were hard. It’s not easy to get over a six month relationship. It’s bound to take time to heal.

Today marks five months of the breakup. And also it’s one weeks before my first victoria secret fashion show.

You were really excited to hit the runway but extremely nervous as well. A little part of you hoped Harry was still with you to witness this stage of your life, he always encouraged you.

You tried to text him when you got selected for the show but thought he won’t care anymore, so didn’t hit the send button.

“Y/N, sweetie, you’ll be fine,” my bestfriend assured me.

“But, Soph, what if I trip over and embarrass myself in front of thousands of people,” you said feeling nervous.

“Don’t worry,” she said hugging you.


You went for the rehearsals the next day, you saw familiar faces and waved at them.

“Y/N, my babe, how are ya?” Candice Swanepoel asked hugging you.

“I’m great, how are you?” you asked the beautiful model smiling.

“Good, good,” she said.

“Today’s rehearsal is gonna be so much fun, the singers will also come to rehearse!” Stella Maxwell gushed.

“Wow, so who’s gonna perform this year?” You asked sipping on your water.

She began reading the article from her tab, listing the names of the performers and just as you heard his name you choked on your water, “wha-what?”

“Yes you heard right! Harry Styles!” Stella said smiling widely.

You were shocked, out of all years why this year, are you ready to face him? No.

But the problem was none of these girls knew you and Harry used to date, you guys kept it a secret, only your families, Soph and his closest friends knew, and that’s what tore you guys apart.

His constant travelling and you being busy with your work made it impossible for you guys to spend time, distance sucked but it was fueled more by his constant partying with other models, who threw themselves at him, not knowing he has a girlfriend.

“Oh that’s good,” you said halfheartedly.

“Yeah he will come day just the day before show though, the organizers said,” Candice said.

“Hmm,” you said.

The rest of the rehearsal you couldn’t concentrate much your mind just constantly went back to Harry, you did miss him but you didn’t want to meet him. At least not yet.


Soon it was the day of the show, you managed to not bump into him during rehearsals but there’s no escaping tonight.

Soph gave you a speech about just focusing on your walk and impressing the audience and not to acknowledge him.

You really hoped everything turns out fine.

You got ready and you guys were ushered backstage, you were feeling pretty confident in your attire, you were in love with your angel wings. You only hoped you don’t trip.

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