cakes and kisses:

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You wandered backstage looking for Harry and the other boys, but they were no where to be found. Normally one of them could be found snacking or eating from the large table that was covered in food. In fact, Niall was almost always there. Today, however, no one was around. You checked the dressing rooms, the buses, and even the stadium, but still you found no one. You pulled your phone out and called Harry who immediately sent you to voicemail. You began to get frustrated and angry. Harry had told you he wanted you at the concert early to hang out since your visit was almost over. You got so desperate to find him, that you actually checked the bathroom. Of course, he wasn’t there though. Calling him for probably the 20th time, he finally picks up. “Hey, Love”

“Hey Love? Really Harry? I’ve been looking for you for over an hour. You said you wanted me here early to hang out but all I have done is wander through this frickin stadium without a clue to where you have been.” You say irritated that he sounds happy.

“Well I’m backstage getting a snack before the concert.” he said oblivious to your irritation. “Why don’t you get over here and we can hang out now.”

“Fine. I’m on my way.” you say grudgingly as you hang up the phone.

After circling back around the stadium, you find Harry inspecting a variety of foods and desserts. “Hey” he says smiling at you. You walk to the opposite end of the table and glare at him. “Where’ve ya been?” he says still oblivious to your anger.

“Where have I been? Really Harry? Are you serious right now?” you say back. This seems to get his attention because he looks up confused.

“Are you okay?” he asks.

“Do I sound okay Harold.” you reply back.

“Ok, just do it.” he says. You know what he means but you don’t let him in on it. Normally when the two of you argue about something you play a game where you each get one hit at the other. These hits can be comments or objects, but once you thrown your hit the fight is over. Today you aren’t in the mood for anymore of his games. Instead of answering him you glare and watch him. His hair has recently been fixed for the concert and hes already dressed and ready. You look down at the table and find a cake with a British flag made of icing on it. You take a fistful of cake and throw it at him. It hits him in the stomach and he looks at you surprised. Instead of saying anything he grabs a cupcake and tosses it at. It hits your shoulder as you take another hand full of cake and throw it at him. This time it hits him in the face. He runs towards you with another cupcake and rubs it down your face. “HARRY” you shriek. He laughs and runs but not before you take the rest of the cake and slam it into his face. He quickly spins and grabs the chocolate cake with one hand and your shirt with another. “No, please Harry.” you say laughing. He smiles and drops the cake over your head which knocks you to the floor. You lay looking up at him with cake everywhere. He smiles, kneels down and whispers against your ears.

 He smiles, kneels down and whispers against your ears

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“You have some cake on you.” he says as he places his lips over yours. Your arms go up around his neck and tangle into his hair as you kiss him back. His lips separate yours and his tongue swirls around yours in your mouth while he presses you back against the stadium wall. He kisses you hard and makes sure that you are as close to him as possible.You are practically sitting on his lap as he kisses and licks the cake off of your jaw line and neck. He gently sucks on your neck and trails his hands up and down your arms. You kiss his lips softly and laugh.

“You smell really good.” you say and he laughs and kisses you back while picking chunks of cake out of your hair. The two of you sit against the wall making out and eating the cake that is located on your faces until the other boys and an interviewer walk up.

“Get a room, lads.” Liam says smiling at the mess.

“Niall what exactly happened here?” the interviewer asks.

“Well,” Niall says smiling. “It seems Harry and (Y/N) have gotten inta a food fight. I know this looks weird,” he says to the camera, “but it actually happens around here a lot.”

“Yea, this is what happens when they leave a table full of food and no guards to watch us.” Louis says smirking.

“More like when we leave Harry and (Y/N) alone.” Liam chimes in.

You blush and climb off of Harry as the camera is put in his face. “Harry any regrets on what happened here.” the interviewer asks.

“My only regret is that you guys came in here a few minutes too early.” he says smiling at you and laughing. He stands up and kisses you before being dragged into the dressing room by Lou. He comes out 20 minutes later completely cleaned up and ready for the show. Before he goes out on stage he pulls you into his arms and presses a kiss against your lips. “I love you (Y/N). Promise to always be my cupcake?”

“I love you too Haz” you say back smiling and laughing when you find a piece of cake behind his ear. “I promise that I will always be your cupcake.”

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