How to love:

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Lana’s long brown hair blew in the wind as she ducked her head, keeping the London chill from her face. Her arms were crossed tight, keeping her jacket closed around her. She wasn’t sure why she even agreed to come today. She knew who was going to be there. Her friend gave her one pout though and she was unable to say no. Her friend assured her, however, that she wouldn’t even have to sit by him, that there would be plenty of space for the two of them to keep your distance.

When she arrive at the small restaurant though and look around, she sees that only two people had arrived so far and one was the person she didn’t want to be near. Niall was grinning at her, waving a hand in the air to get her attention and sat across from him was of course.. Harry Styles.

“Hey, Ni,” She greets her friend, hugging him after she has made her way over and he stands. She pointedly ignores Harry on the journey over, not feeling much like giving any attention to the glare he was surely sending her. “Long time no see, eh?”

“Ya you should have joined us on tour for a few days,” Niall commented as the hug ended and they step away from one another. He reaches his hands out, helping Lana slide her jacket down her arms. She realizes just then that she would have no choice but to sit right here with the two of them as it would be weird to go sit at the far end of the table with no one else here yet. She was perfectly find sitting by Niall, Harry.. not so much. So, after Niall drapes her jacket across the chair beside his and pulls it out, she has no choice but to sit. “Woulda done ya some good.”

“Niall,” She starts, looking over at him, still ignoring the long curly haired man across from the two of them, who also had made no move to greet or talk to Lana. Lana rest’s her chin on her hand, smiling at the blonde beside her. “We aren’t all rockstars who can afford to jet off to different cities every night. Some of us have lame ass desk jobs that they can’t get away from.” Niall gives a small laugh and shrugs.

“Not sure a tour bus would really be good enough for you anyway,” Lana and Niall both turn then, seeing that Harry had decided to join in on the conversation. “Not glamorous enough for ya,” Harry continues. Lana clenches her teeth, trying to not bark out some sort of insult. “Would have had to actually be close to people, ya know, talk to them and all.” Lana rolls her eyes and turns back to Niall who had been looking back and forth between the two of them. Niall, as well as all of their friends, knew the issues that Harry and her had together. Though they never truly understood why the hatred was so strong. There were bits of the story that both of them had left out once their feud started.

“It’s not people I have a problem with, Haz,” She starts innocently, giving him a smile. “It’s just you.” Before she could truly take in the angry look that washes across that handsome face of his, more friends show up and she is pulled away, greeting them as they enter. She thinks about moving to the other end of the table but at her seat now she was between Niall and Louis, two people she had missed most while they were off touring the world. She saw her other friends almost everyday; this lunch, after all, was to welcome the boys home so she did want to sit with them, really. She wanted to hear all about it.

To her surprise, lunch was actually a decent affair. Sure, she had to listen to Harry talk about tour just as the other three boys did but she was able to block him out, making faces at Louis beside her instead, getting just as silly of faces back.

“Doin’ a round of beers at me place later,” Niall tells Lana as everyone stands from the table after their meal was finished. “Drop by, yeah?”

“Only if I can bring Jane.” She says, seeing the joy spread across his face. Jane was Lana’s small little Yorkie that Niall was in love with. He had actually been the one to convince her to get a dog in the first place, stating that since he couldn’t have one since he was gone from home a good portion of the year, his best friend needed one for him to play with and cuddle when he was home. For some reason she had given in and allowed him to take her dog searching until they found the right one.

“You won’t be allowed in unless she is with you.” He answers, nudging her playfully with the back of his hand. “See ya lateh, then?” Lana nods and pulls him into a tight hug, turning then to hug Louis and Liam as they walk up to you to say goodbye. Harry stands off to the side, purposely not coming in for a hug, which was just fine with Lana.

“Okay,” Lana’s roommate, Sasha, asked her later when the two of them had returned to their flat downtown. “Why again, do you and Harry hate each other?” The two had mugs of hot tea clutched in their hands as they spread out along their large couch, ready to watch last nights new episode of Pretty Little Liars.

“We don’t hate each other.” Lana defends but Sasha simply narrows her eyes at her, getting a sigh in response. “Okay, there’s a bit of hate there..”

“A bit?” Sasha scoffs, sipping at her warm drink. “If looks could kill, the both of you would be six feet under.” Lana simply shrugs, still not wanting to answer the question previously asked of her. “Please, just tell me what truly happened?” Lana sighs, knowing she had to give some kind of answer.

“We just… a few years ago.. got into a fight and never really mended things.” That was the answer they gave anyone who asked. Neither wanted to admit what caused the fight or why the fight was so bad. She had thought about talking about it with him now, maybe the two could finally resolve some of their issues but that night would just replay in her head and she remembered why they hadn’t talked about it before now and would drop that idea.

“Okay, a simple fight years ago wouldn’t cause this much dislike between two people. There was something more, so spill.” Sasha, and really of their other friends, had pushed them both for so long. How could Lana be so close to the other boys in Harry’s band but the two of them felt nothing but pure hatred for one another? “I mean, it’s Harry! Everyone loves him, even people who don’t know him. He’s never been anything but a sweetheart to me and everyone else.” Yes, Harry of course had that image of being the perfect gentleman, the nice guy, respectful as could be. Lana knew he could be, just not with her.

“Can we just stop talking about this now, please?” Lana looks over at her friend, giving her a pleading look. She hated thinking back to that night many years ago, and just wanted to move on from it and start the episode already and forget all about her afternoon having to sit across from Harry for the first time in months. “It’s in the past, it doesn’t matter anymore, truly.” That was such a lie, clearly, but Lana was finished with this conversation.

“Yeah,” Sasha sighs, knowing she would be getting nothing more from her. “I guess we can.” She shakes her head though, biting at her lower lip. “You know one day you’ll have to tell me why you hold so much hate for him?” She gently kicks at Lana’s shin, giving her a small smile that Lana does return before letting out a sigh, her grip tightening around her mug.

“One day,” Lana agrees, “but not today.” Or any day in the near future. Her past with Harry was purely a secret, kept locked between the two of them in a dark place inside. No one would ever know that Harry Styles, many years ago, was her entire world and that the two had been completely wrapped up in each other at one point. It was a secret she was willing to take to her grave. As Sasha pushed play on the new episode, Lana took a sip of her still hot tea, pushing all the thoughts of Harry’s hands, his lips, his skin, pressed against hers from her mind.



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