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Harry doesn’t understand.

Harry just doesn’t understand how Amelia refuses to leave Y/n’s arms. It’s as if Amelia was—quite literally—made to be held by her, considering Y/n’s the only stranger Amelia’s let touch her within the past year and looks as happy as ever while being cradled against her chest. And they fit together so perfectly, it makes him want to cry for what now would be the third time since they’ve returned from the grocery store.

He just doesn’t understand how it happened so fast—how she felt so comfortable and safe in Y/n’s presence without much convincing. It was as if she had seen something in her the same way Harry did—that there was something so different and compelling about her. It made her so hard to resist.

And even now, as Y/n sits at the head of the table eating dinosaur egg oatmeal and feeling as nostalgic as ever, Amelia is sitting on her lap and fidgeting excitingly. She’s poking at her cheeks, squealing every time Y/n pretends to take a bite out of her fingers.

It reminds Harry of when she had a mother and how much happier she was when she was still around. It’s as if the old Amelia has come right back and shows no signs of ever going back to her shy, apprehensive ways.

He’s still not even sure if this is real because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. If anything, this feels like a dream he doesn’t ever want to wake up from. How could the most beautiful, kindhearted woman be sitting in his flat, gleaming down at his daughter as if she were her own, and feel the warmest he’s ever felt since Amelia was born?

“Aren’t they yummy?!” Amelia asks to Y/n with a smile on her face. “Are they what you remember them being like?!”

Y/n giggles, nodding her head enthusiastically down at Amelia’s green eyes. “Yes! Just what I remember them being like! Still the best oatmeal I’ve ever had.”

And the only time Y/n lets go of Amelia is when they decide to make their way toward the living room, ready to settle among the sofa and watch a movie to finish off their breakfast, but Amelia’s just not having it. She tugs at the end of her t-shirt with a pout on her lips, impatiently waiting to be held by her again.

“C’mon, baby girl. Give Y/n a little break before her arms fall off from holding you so much, yeah?” Harry coos, tapping softly on her waist. “‘Sides, daddy’s missin’ your cuddles. Never gone so long without ya in my arms and I’m startin’ t’think you like Y/n’s hugs more than me.”

Harry holds her on the couch as she cuddles into his side, falling asleep as Harry and Y/n make small talk about their lives. They discuss their work, their interests, and even their favorite hobbies and hidden talents.

They feel like they’ve known each other their whole lives.

It isn’t long until a half-asleep Amelia crawls her way over to Y/n, cuddling into her chest without a second glance to her father. Y/n giggles and rocks her gently while Harry rolls his eyes with a smile on his face, not even remotely surprised she found her back back into her arms.

They both wait until Amelia is fast asleep to start talking again.

“You know, you’re the first person she’s let hold her since her mum left.” Harry says softly, his fingertips dancing along the sleeves of Amelia’s shirt, admiring her peaceful state against Y/n’s chest.

Y/n looks over with her brows creased, sympathy sparkling in her eyes and her lips slightly parted with shock. The thought of Amelia’s mother never truly crossed her mind, even though it probably should have given the circumstances (she might not have appreciated Y/n eating a breakfast with her boyfriend and child).

But knowing that her mother left them—left her utterly stunning, charming boyfriend and her overwhelmingly beautiful, loving little girl—makes Y/n’s heart sink to the pit of her stomach.

They both deserve so much better than that.

“Never thought I’d see this side of her again. She used to be so talkative—used to let anybody and everybody hold her. And then her mum took it all away from her. For whatever selfish reason she decided to leave us behind, she ripped away everything that made Amelia…well, Amelia.”

Harry still hasn’t looked at Y/n, almost afraid that she’d somehow judge him or think less of him by the actions of his ex-girlfriend. Besides, it was them—him—she left.

He still hasn’t figured out if he’s done something wrong.

Because Amelia was far too young to do wrong by her mother, so when it really comes down to it, he was the reason she abandoned them. Whether he wasn’t being the best boyfriend he could be or her heart just wasn’t in it anymore, he doesn’t want Y/n to think that he isn’t enough for neither her or Amelia.

“It was like—it was as if she was a completely different person after that. I was the only person she trusted. And even though she was still there with me, even though she was right by my side, I felt like I lost my daughter.”

He doesn’t even acknowledge his tears until Y/n reaches her fingers to his cheek, the pad of her thumb wiping away the wetness.

Her heart has never felt so hurt for someone she’s barely known, but she can feel it breaking over and over with each cry from his lips and each word from his mouth. He looks so lost, like he isn’t sure how to find his way back since his family’s been torn apart. And she can only imagine how rare he lets this side of himself show, he’s kept it all together for Amelia.

He lifts his chin to look up at her properly.

“You’re bringing my daughter back.”

And now it’s her time to cry, because never in a million years would she have expected that this is where he life would lead her. All the pain, all the loneliness, all the work she’s done has lead to this moment—to changing a little girl’s heart and a beautiful man’s life.

Her fingers rub his skin gently, admiring this moment so that she can cherish it for the rest of her life. Because if this isn’t forever, she sure has hell wants to hold onto the memory for that long, no matter what it takes.

But god, does she want this to be her forever.

“It wasn’t fair for her to leave.” She mumbles, eyes wide and gleaming at his with sorrow. “I know this might not mean much, or if this is just so fast and unreasonable, but I promise I will be here for Amelia whenever she needs me.”

Harry takes a tight hold on her wrist to keep her close.

“And you. I promise to be here for you, too. Whenever you need me.”



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