Girlfriend on drugs pt 2

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Over the next couple of weeks, your trying to stop drugs wasn’t going very well. You were moody and felt sick constantly. You and Harry got in arguments and screaming matches almost daily. It usually resulted in him locking himself in his office and you crying alone on the bathroom floor. He would then come into you a bit later and hold and cuddle with you, apologizing over and over again. He knew you were having a hard time and couldn’t help it.

You had one relapse. Harry had no idea though. You couldn’t help it and did it while he was out all day in meetings. You didn’t want him to know that you were too weak to resist so you played that you were sleeping when he got home. It killed you that you broke and were keeping it from Harry but you didn’t want to see that disappointed look on his face. You didn’t want him to know you were weak.

“Love..” Harry sighs, sitting beside you on the couch. He takes your hands in his, holding them tightly. “Are you still on drugs?” He asks, looking back at you with his green eyes wide. He was afraid you were going to say yes, that you had gone behind his back and done what you promised you wouldn’t do.

“Why do you think that?” You question, deflecting the question. He releases one hand and reaches in his pocket. He pulls out the bag that you had hidden in a box of tampons under the sink. You figured he would never check there but he obviously went looking for drugs. And he found them. “Oh.” He sighs and tosses the drugs on the coffee table. “I’ve only did it once since that day a couple of weeks ago, I promise.”

“I don’t know if I can do this anymore, love.” Your heart raced at his words, afraid of what was going to come next. “I thought I could but… this is too hard.”

“What are you saying?” You question, a tear falling down your cheek. He looks away from you, shaking his head. His long brown curls fall in his face as he hangs his head. His shoulders begin to shake a second later as he bursts into tears as well. You sit there, afraid to do or say anything so you let the tears fall down your cheeks in silence.

“I’m saying I’m going to leave, I can’t be here anymore.” He looks up at you again, his face wet with tears. His green eyes were still full of tears, his lip quivered a bit. He pushes his long hair back and away from his face.

“No, please.” You beg but he shakes his head.

“I love you, I love you so much but.. I just… you chose the drugs again and I feel like that’s not going to change.” He squeezes your hands one last time before he stands up and moves past you. You drop your face in your hands and let out a sob as he walks out of the room. When you hear him going up the stairs, you rush after him.

“Please, don’t do this.” You beg as he pulls out a bag from the closet and begins to fill it with clothes. “I’ll get help, I promise. I’ll go somewhere and get professional help, please. I can’t do this without you, Harry.” He zips up the bag and shakes his head, turning towards you.

“I’m sorry… I just can’t. I’ll be back for the rest of my things in a few days.” He walks over to you and takes your face in his hands. He leans in and presses a soft kiss against your lips. You wrap your fingers around his wrists, wanting to hold him there with you but he pulls away and out of your grasp easily. “Do get help, love, alright?” You do and say nothing as he moves past you and down the hall.

“Harry.” You whisper but he doesn’t turn back. You watch him disappear down the stairs and a second later the front door shuts. You fall to your knees right there in the doorway of the bedroom that was now only yours. You sob into your hands before collapsing completely to the floor and curl up in a ball. Your entire body shakes as tears fall from your eyes. What had you done? You just lost the best thing you’d ever had because of an idiotic lapse in judgement.



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