the teasing game

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“Why can’t y'stay with me? We’ve barely seen each other lately.”

A comically serious pout slouched over Harry’s features as he gazed at her from his spot on (Y/N)’s bed. She couldn’t help but let a smile crack her features as she brushed mascara through her lashes in the mirror. They had spent the last three days together for every moment that she wasn’t at work or prepping for classes to be back in session in the next month, despite the way he claimed he hadn’t seen her much.

“Because I have to go, Harry” she laughed, looking over her shoulder from the small vanity mirror posted on her desk, “And it’s a short shift anyway, I’ll be home early.”

“But, sunshine, what am I supposed to do while you’re gone?” His pout only deepened as he stood from her bed, the length of his strawberry printed pajama pants brushing the floor with each step towards her. Harry adoringly wrapped his arms around her middle, cuddling her against his bare chest before tucking his face into the crook of her neck.

(Y/N) tipped her head, allowing Harry to brush his lips against her skin as she tried not to let her laugh bleed into her features. He was too sweet for his own good sometimes. “What do you usually do?”

“Wait for y'to come back.”

She didn’t even have it in her to find amusement in his words, especially since she knew he was being completely serious. After screwing the top back on to her mascara, she raised her now freehand up to the side of his face with her fingers brushing through his hair and clearing the wild curls from his face. He looked at her through his lashes, the softness of his features that came from the state of his heart was almost enough to convince her to call into work and spend the day with him.

“I’ll be home soon, honey,” she affirmed, meeting his eyes through the glass of the mirror. A halo of a hopeful green shade surrounded his form, the flash of color doing little to surprise (Y/N) considering how he was pleading with her to stay. “The closing girl comes in at four, so I’ll definitely be back for dinner.”

He seemed to mull over her answer for a moment, before meeting her eyes again. “Can I come with you?”

(Y/N) couldn’t keep the huff of laughter from falling from her lips this time. Her hand in his hair swirled through his curls affectionately. “I don’t think my manager would appreciate you waiting tables with me the whole shift, but you can try.”

His smile could be felt against her skin, “Don’t tempt me, ‘cause I will.”

Maneuvering in his arms to be face-to-face, (Y/N) paused getting ready in favor of pressing her lips against his in a sweet kiss. Her palms cradled the sides of his jaw, delicately holding him. “Sarah is going to be with Mitch all day, so you have the apartment all to yourself. You don’t have to stay in my room all day if you don’t want.”

(Y/N) was still halfway certain Harry would still choose to stay in her room if only to be surrounded by things that were her.

Harry turned his head in her hands, pressing his lips against the palm of her hand. He looked to her with a hooded gaze, “Could y'be late at least?” The brush of his lips against her skin trailed over her palm, down to the delicate skin of her wrist before his eyes fluttered closed. She hadn’t got a chance to get a look at a flicker of his aura, but she had a good idea of where he planned on taking his persuasion.

(Y/N)’s mouth went dry as she watched him, dotting his lips in what seemed to be innocent kisses but were just the beginning of a more seductive story being written over her skin. He continued on until he dipped down to kiss over the sleeve of her work shirt and to the soft of her neck. There he allowed the bite of his teeth to nip at the curve connecting her shoulder to her throat, sipping in the glistening energy that radiated from his soulmate. Her hand that had been on his cheek traveled to graze over the broad of his shoulder, her nails catching when he gave a particularly loving bite into her neck.

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