Thanksgiving with Harry:

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You and Harry had been dating for quite some time, and getting serious. If you were honest, you don’t know how it had gotten this serious this fast. You had been lucky enough to keep your relationship quiet, only a handful of friends and your immediate families knew about the two of you. But with the winter holidays coming up, you decided that maybe it was time for the next step in your relationship. You knew that Harry had a week off around Thanksgiving, so you asked if he wanted to come with you and your parents to one of your aunts’ houses for Thanksgiving. You were okay if he said no, you knew that with the tour and all the promo he’s been doing, that he might not have time to accompany you. But much to your shock, he was ecstatic and extremely happy to meet your extended family. You decided it was best if you didn’t inform your relatives that you were bringing your pop star boyfriend, you wanted them all to act as normal as possible, so you just told your aunt to add an extra place setting for a guest you were bringing. You figured they’d all know it was some sort of male friend, boyfriend, or friend, but that’s all they needed to know ahead of time.

Today is the day of Thanksgiving and your aunt lives a short hour and 45-minute drive away. So, you, Harry, and your parents pack up your father’s car and head out of state for a lovely Thanksgiving dinner. It feels odd to Harry to not be driving. He makes sure that if he doesn’t have to have someone else drive him, then he’ll insist on driving himself, or others around. But you know how your father is, he must drive, even if he’s tired. Either he drives, or you don’t go. That’s how it’s been your whole life, and you warned Harry not to push it. Your dad already is a little wary of Harry, he thinks that the two of you are moving too fast and doesn’t understand why you can’t find someone from around your Midwest town to date.

You and Harry cuddle in the backseat, and as much as you love it, it makes you a little anxious, your dad keeps looking at the two of you through the rearview mirror, making sure that Harry doesn’t get too handsy.

“Now, which aunts house are we going to again?” Harry questions. He’s been grilling you on names and little facts about all your family members for the past week. He wants to make sure that he’ll have something that each member of your family will want to talk about. You’ve been telling him not to worry, that your family will find something to talk to him about no matter what. It’ll be him that will need to take a breather, not your loving, weird family.

“My mom’s youngest sister and her husband. They have two children, a girl, and a boy. Faith is a freshman in high school and I’m not quite sure how she’ll react towards you showing up in her house. So, we might have to watch her, I think she’s a fan. And then their son, Will, he’s in junior high, but he probably will just say hi and that’s all. He’s a bit shy, talk to him about football or soccer and you should be fine with him.” You gently run your thumb across Harry’s hand that was wrapped around your shoulder, holding you close to him.

“And then your grandmother will be there, your mother’s mum. She was a teacher once and loves going to the theatre and took you to your first show when you were five.”

You beam up at your boyfriend, he listened to you that one time you were telling him about how much you loved going to shows because it reminded you of your childhood and getting dressed to the nines with your grandma and older cousins when you were a girl. This story was one you told him long ago, on your first date. You couldn’t believe he remembered that story, to be honest, there wasn’t a lot you remember from your first date, other than being so nervous you spilled wine all over the table because your hands were shaking so much.

“Then my moms older two sisters, their husbands, and their children will be there. Jenny, my mom’s oldest sister’s daughter, and her husband will be there with their baby girl Emma, who I haven’t met yet, but she’s a cutie. And then my cousin Kate who’s our age will be there. Me and her used to be attached at the hip at these family events. We used to tackle our poor older cousin Matt who’d let us climb all over him and dress him up with our princess stuff, shame he’s not going to be there tonight, you’d get right along with him.” You said with a slight chuckle.

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