Drugs Pt 2

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As the next few weeks went by, you weren’t going to lie, you were kind of suspicious of Harry still. You didn’t look in his bag or anything again, you wanted to trust him but when he came back from the gym a couple of times, he just seemed to be kind of out of it and strange. He said he was just tired from his workout every time that you asked.

“Are you … using again?” You ask one evening after he had showered after coming home from the gym. He was just acting so strange and not himself.

“Why do you think that?” He questions, narrowing his eyes at you a bit. “Do you not trust me?” You sigh and shrug.

“You’ve just been weird when you come home from the gym.” You tell him, trying to ignore the harsh tone his voice was going in, he was getting very defensive very quickly.

“A guy can’t be tired from a long workout without his girlfriend accusing him of being on drugs?” Harry stood from the chair he had been sitting in and storms out of the living room, leaving you alone. You put your head in your hands and sigh. He never got that angry so easily, it was just strange.

A few days later, when he got home from the gym and had went to take a shower, you had to look. You had to know. You could pass it off as just wanting to wash his gym clothes, which you did often for him. So, you pull his gym bag from the trunk of his car, taking it inside and unzipping it. You slid around the contents, looking for anything suspicious.

You felt your eyes well up in tears when you see it tucked into the inside of his running shoes. You pull out the bag, a much bigger bag with more pills than last time. You put it on the counter and sit down beside it, tears falling down your cheeks.

You sit like that for 15 minutes until you hear Harry coming down the stairs. You just sit there and watch him enter the room. He freezes when he sees the bag and then meets your eye.

“You promised you wouldn’t do it again.” You whisper, looking back at the bag.

“Why did you go looking through my things?” He asks, his voice full of anger. You look up at him, frowning.

“I was going to wash your clothes when I found it.” You say, sliding the bag across the counter towards him. It slides off the edge to land at his feet. He glares and picks it up.

“You had no right to search through my things.” He says angrily, glaring at you. You narrow your eyes at him and stand up.

“You lied to me, Harry.” You tell him, crossing your arms over your chest. “You are using again and have not been acting like yourself.”

“Just because they were in my bag doesn’t mean I’ve taken them.” He defends, tossing the bag back on the counter and crossing his arms. “Where’s the trust in me, love?”

“The trust in you?!” You exclaim, throwing your arms up, exasperated. “You’re doing drugs, Harry, drugs!” You scream, pointing at the bag. “You promised you wouldn’t do it again and do you remember what I promised you at the same time?” His eyes suddenly are filled with sadness as he remembers what you had told him and he sighs, running his hand through his long brown hair that was still damp from his shower.

“You can’t leave me.” He mutters, his eyes wide with fear that you actually would. You sigh, shaking your head.

“I told you to choose between the drugs or me.” You take a step around him, towards the hallway. “And you decided.” Your eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry it couldn’t be me.” You then turn and rush upstairs. You hear him calling after you but you hurry and close and lock the door of your bedroom.

“Baby, please,” He begs, knocking on the door gently. “Let’s just talk about this, yeah?”

“No, Harry. I gave you a second chance, that’s it. I told you what would happen if you wanted to be on drugs, it’s too late to change your mind.” You say as you grab a suitcase from the closet. You go about tossing clothes and other items in it.

“I made a mistake, a slip up. I’ve only taken them once since that one time. You have to believe me.” He pleads, sounding close to tears but you had to stay strong. Harry had made his choice, and so had you. You couldn’t be with someone that hadn’t just lied to you, but was addicted to drugs.

This was never how you imagined your sweet, caring, and loving Harry would be. He was the one that rejected the idea of fame, who just wanted to have a good time with his best friends, who cared about his health and the things he put in his body. He was the one that always made sure everyone in the room was happy and smiling. He wasn’t that man anymore. You didn’t know who he was, and you weren’t going to stick around and find out.

“It’s too late, Harry.” You tell him when you pull open the door, your suitcase in hand.

“Don’t leave me, love, please.” He grabs your hand, stopping you from walking towards the stairs. “I need you, you have to believe me that I won’t do it again.” You pull your arm from his grasp, glaring at him as he had tears falling down his cheeks. You had to stay strong, you had to do this.

“I did believe you, Harry.” You whisper, tears of your own running down your cheeks now. You wipe them away quickly and shake your head.” You ruined that.”

“Baby, please.” Harry then falls to his knees, reaching out for you. He pulls you close and presses his face into your stomach. He wraps his arms around your hips and sobs into the fabric of your t-shirt. You can’t stop yourself as you run your fingers through his hair.

“I have to go, Harry.” He shakes his head, hugging you tighter.

“If you stay, I’ll do anything, anything you want.” He starts. “I’ll take drug tests whenever you want me to, you can have someone go to the gym with me, or you can go with me, you can search my things whenever you want.” He looks up at you. You have to resist the urge to wipe his wet cheeks. “Just one more chance, that’s all I’m asking. I understand I already ruined this last chance, but I’m going to be better this time, I promise.”

“I can’t do it, Harry.” You reach back, unlatching his arms from around you and step back, away from him. “Goodbye, Harry.” You reach down and kiss his forehead, brushing his hair away from his face as he sobs.

“I’m sorry.” He whimpers. “I’m so sorry!” He drops his face in his hands, falling back on his heels, not even trying to stop his loud sobs. You were trying to hold back your own sobs now too.

“Get some help, okay? I don’t want to read one day about you overdosing.”

“You’re the help that I need, I need you.” You give him a small smile and shake your head.

“Obviously not.” With that, you turn and rush down the hall. You take the steps two at a time, trying to block out his sobs and calls out for you. You grab your keys and purse, rushing into the garage. As soon as you were in the car though, you broke down against the steering wheel and cried. You let out the sobs you had been holding in.

You hated to leave Harry, you loved him so much, but he had made his decision. Whether he regretted it now or not didn’t matter, he still did it and you couldn’t forgive him, not again. Maybe one day you would find each other again, but that was so unlikely, you weren’t even going to think about it. You instead, started your car and backed away from your house, having no idea where you were going.



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