Balance Pt 1:

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You had just finished your live performance on The Late Late Show with James Corden. You take a big drink of water, as he walks over to you. The taping ends in a few minutes, and they called for a break.

“Y/N! You smashed it out there!” James says as he grabs a water bottle off the table. “I wish you could’ve been on the week Harry was hosting.”

This is the second time he’s mentioned this.

You try to not roll your eyes or let out a groan as the conversation somehow drifts back to the man you’ve never met. Harry Styles. Of course, you know who he is. Who doesn’t know who Harry Styles is?

“James.” You say in a voice, you were hoping sounded threatening.

He just shrugs. “Oh, come on. You know I’ve been trying desperately to have you two meet. I think you’d get along brilliantly.”

You’ve met all the other members from One Direction, except for Harry. Not because you were trying to avoid him. But, because you’ve just never had the opportunity. There was this one party, he was supposed to show up at, but canceled due to his flight being delayed.

You had even meet his sister at that same party. You two got along great. She was probably the only one who didn’t compare you two, and you loved that.

“I can’t promise you, we’ll meet.” You say, placing your half empty water bottle on the table. “But, maybe someday.”

Turns out, a week later was that someday. Your fans freaked out on twitter once they realized you were playing the iHeart Music Festival the same night Harry was playing. What no one saw coming was the impromptu duet that happened onstage.

Turns out the iHeart Radio twitter page ran a poll on who Harry should duet with, 50% of the money made would go to helping out Mexico after the earthquake. The poll ended two seconds before it was supposed to happen, yes, it was done on purpose. It also seems your manager, just happened to forget telling you he agreed to it for you.

“Y/N, onstage in 2 minutes. You’ve won the poll. Congratulations.” A woman in a headset said as you stood up.

You look over at your manager who shrugs apologetically as you walk towards the door.

“What are we singing?” You ask your vocal teacher, Drew.

“Sweet Creature. You know it right?”

You nod, as your handed your microphone.

“And the winner of the poll is,” you hear Harry announce onstage. “Y/N! Come on and join me onstage.”

The crowds roars as you step out, trying to not look as nervous as you feel. You give a small wave, as you walk over to Harry who’s taller than you imagined.

You feel everyone’s eyes on you, not that it isn’t new, it just feels different this time.

He takes off his guitar, “You can have the honors of playing my guitar, I know how great you are at it. I’m a huge fan of yours.” He says as he places his guitar on you. “The notes are right there, they practicality repeat themselves.” He points to a paper taped on the floor.

The duet didn’t go as bad as you’d thought. The notes were pretty easy, and Harry made it easy for you to sing along. He tried to make it as easy for you as he could, and you appreciated that.

After, coming off stage with a bow from the whole band. You tried to not focus on the fact that Harry held your hand, before you both walked in opposite directions.

Five minutes later, as you were getting your makeup retouched for your set in an hour, there was a knock on the door. Your manager answers the door.

“Y/N, it’s for you.”

You look into the mirror and see Harry standing there, his hands behind his back, waiting for you to let him in.

“He can come in.” You nod to Joe.

“Hey, just wanted to say you were amazing out there.” Harry said as he walked over to your vanity.

“Thank you, and thank you for letting me play your guitar.”

Every time your eyes met his, it felt like everything kind of just blurred in the background. You figured you were just tired from rehearsing. So, you shrugged it off.

“She’s a beauty, first guitar I’ve ever bought.” He says, leaning his tall figure against the counter sprawled with makeup all over it.

“Anyways,” He continues. “I watched you on James Corden the other night, you were amazing.”

You raised your eyebrows at him. “Let me guess, he called you a few times telling you to watch it.”

He let’s out a small smile. “He told me he did the same to you when I was on.”

You laugh at the memory of James calling you at almost 12 in the morning telling you to watch his show, it was an emergency.

“What is it with him?”

“It’s not just him.” Harry says, folding his arms over his chest. “There’s about five people blowing up my phone right now asking if we met before going onstage.”

Your eyes widened. “I’m strangely happy my phone’s dead.”

He smiles again. You can’t help but think how attractive he looks when he smiles. His eyes seem to get brighter when he does.

“I’m just happy I can tell Gemma we met. Hopefully, she’ll leave me alone. She kept bugging me, telling me I had to meet you.”

You laugh. “James can finally leave me alone. He keeps calling me the female version of you. Which I don’t know if it’s a compliment or not.”

He smirks, “Trust me Y/N, it’s a compliment. Anyway, lovely meeting you. I have an interview to do, and wanted to stop by to tell you thank you. Maybe we can hang out sometime soon.”

You nod, “Sure. Then, everyone can finally sleep at night.”

He gives you a quick hug before telling you goodbye. You notice everyone in the room is staring at you with an unreadable expression on their faces. You notice Lou walked in, you met her at a party Gemma invited you too.

“What?” You ask as you take a seat back in the makeup chair.

Lou shrugs. “He’s never been that chatty before. It’s… new.”

You tried not to roll your eyes, as your hair stylist come up to retouch your hair.

“No, Y/N, I mean it. He seemed really comfortable with you, and he just met you. That’s unlike him.”

“Oh, puh-lease.”

“Lou has a point.” Joe spoke up. “You’ve never been that chatty either. It almost seemed like you two were flirting.”

“Joe, you haven’t flirted in 30 years.”

“Okay, everyone.” Drew spoke up. “Let’s let her focus on her set for tonight. We can talk about their chemistry after. Because we do have all night, might I add.”

You groan. Seems like everyone else can sleep in peace, besides you.



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