Little Reminds:

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You groaned in front of the mirror in the bathroom, having just gotten out of the shower, gently poking your finger at your belly button, which by now, at just a little over eight months had fully popped out. You frowned at the few stretch marks that had started to make themselves known around your belly button, and although they were barely noticeable, you were sure they would be there forever. They weren’t even that dark, they looked more like tiny pink scars, and you counted no more than five, but you just wanted to be beautiful for Harry, and this didn’t make you feel very beautiful.

You could hear his footsteps coming down the hall, and then he appeared in the open doorway to the bathroom, leaning against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest, smiling fondly at you.

His expression changed when he noticed your deep set frown.

“Babe, what’s the matter?"

You turned to look at him, trying to keep your towel wrapped around your body securely. "Harry, do you still think I’m beautiful?"

Harry frowned, eyes widening. "I think you’re gorgeous, love, always.” He moved closer to you, his concerned eyes searching yours. “What’s all this for?” He swiped his thumbs under your cheeks.

You sniffled. “I found new stretch marks!” you cried. “And my belly button looks tortured. And I just want to be beautiful for you!” You knew you were being completely irrational, but you couldn’t help it.

“Oh, sweetheart,” he murmured, kissing your forehead. “You’ve never been more beautiful,” he promised. He gently tugged down the edge of your towel, and you let it fall to the fall, revealing your swollen body. “They’re just little reminders that Darcy’s healthy and growing, and that’s she going to get here safe, and if I didn’t love them, then I wouldn’t deserve to have either of you."

You smiled, nuzzling your nose into his neck.

"I promise to kiss them, whenever you need me to,” he said, his lips moving to start at your shoulders, grazing warmly along them, before moving down your chest, around each of your breasts, his lips warm and soft against your damp skin, you pressed your forehead to his. He then moved to the small cluster of stretch marks, making sure to press defined kisses to each of them. He pressed an ear against your belly, eyes soft, and curious.

You smiled, running your fingers through his curls, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head.

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