"Concert High"

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The moment Harry gave one last kiss towards the audience and walked off stage, you knew exactly what he wanted. He gave you that look, the look that you knew meant only one thing.

“You were-” He doesn’t even give you time to tell him how great he was on stage tonight before his lips were on yours and his hips pressed tight against yours as he grabs at you, pulling every line of your body against him. “Harry!” You pull away to gasp but smirk a little. You see the desire shooting through his green eyes and you knew you were finished, you couldn’t say no to that.

“Let’s find somewhere a bit more private.” You give a small giggle as he takes your hand, releasing you. By now the crew was used to Harry grabbing you like this after a show, though they were  a bit caught off guard by just how feverish his kisses sometimes were, how hard his grip was on you, how they could easily tell where this was leading to when he pulls you away down the corridor behind stage. “This shall do.”

He wastes no time in allowing you to offer any agreement to the location before he had tugged you in the small dressing room. It wasn’t even Harry’s, since he knew his band would surely still be there milling about. This one was empty, not even have been used that night, it seemed. He clicked the lock shut and his lips were back on yours.

“Someone is eager tonight.” You mumble against his mouth. He simply gives a small grunt as his lips move down your jaw to your neck. You brush your fingers down his black shirt, feeling his muscles underneath it. He was wearing your favorite suit. All of his custom Gucci suits were amazing, but this particular one you had picked the fabric pattern for, he probably wore it on purpose tonight because you wouldn’t have sex with him this morning before rehearsal. He knew it would bring you over to his side. “Harry,” You moan out his name as his long ringed fingers dig into your hips as his mouth bites and kisses at the smooth skin of your neck.

You unbutton his shirt, pushing it from his shoulders just enough to run your fingers along his slightly sweaty skin. Harry’s soft skin was so delectable after he performed. He was warm, oh so warm as he surrounds you. You run your fingers down his naked chest, tracing the sparrows, down to the butterfly, all the way down to the vines at his hips. He moans as your fingers slide along the top of his pants, sliding in a little but not near enough for him.

He pulls back from your neck and pushes you against the wall roughly. You smirk at him, seeing that desire growing on his face. You reach up to push his hair off of his forehead as lets his shirt finally fall off his arms and to the floor. Before his lips find yours, he tugs up on your shirt, tossing it behind him right as his tongue slides against yours. His kisses were feverish, demanding, searching.

He undoes your belt quickly, undoing your jeans as well but instead of pushing them down he simply slides his hands in and behind. His hands directly on your ass, he pulls you against him, causing you both to moan as you feel just how eager he was for you, how badly he needed you.

“I,” Harry mutters against your lips as you unbutton his matching suit pants. They slip down easily and he kisses you even harder as he steps out of them, kicking them away. “need you.” He finishes as you grip at his hair.

“I’m all yours, Harry,” You pull back to look at him. “Always.” He groans and then wastes no more time as your jeans, followed by your panties, are on the floor. You smirk at him as he pulls back. With a matching smirk on the sweaty and smug face of his, he turns you to face the wall. You brace against it, eager and oh so ready for what was coming.

“Harry,” You were already panting, ready for him, aching for him, even. You feel his hand grip at your hip and you knew it was coming. You brace for it and then there it was, he was deep inside you easily. He was wasting no time as he grabs at your hips with both hands now and together the two of you begin to move.

“Fuck, love,” He groans, tossing his head back in a groan. You knew the two of you should probably be a bit quieter but then you could care less and let out a loud moan. It was surely too loud out there for anyone to hear anyway and it’s not like you should be embarrassed for having sex with your boyfriend.

“God, Harry,” You scratch your nails down the wall, pushing back against his hips as he hits you deep inside time and time again. His fingers dig into your skin as he continues his pace and leans in to kiss at your shoulder messily, biting your skin a little to get an even louder moan out of you. You lean back into his touch as one hand comes to grip at the side of your neck, pulling you up more against him so he can kiss along your skin more as his other hand comes in front of you, sliding down your stomach. “Yes, Harry,” You exclaim as his fingers find your clit, rubbing against them.

“Let me hear you, baby,” He moans into your neck. “Jus’ heard thousands of girls screamin’ for me, now I need you. I need to hear you.” Your moan turns into a yelp as you call out Harry’s name as you felt that intensity burning. “No one yells my name like you do.” His gruff voice, his fingers on you, the quick pace he was keeping up with his hips, hitting inside you perfectly was pulling you over the edge. You were a mess, you were his, he could do with you what he wanted as you became weak as your orgasm approached.

“Harry,” You pant. “Harry, I’m… I’m-” You couldn’t even finish what you were gonna say as your orgasm completely consumes you. Your legs begin to shake, your heart racing, and a complete warmth spreading across your entire body.

“Yes, baby, yes,” Harry finishes a second after you, riding out his orgasm for a second as he groans a couple of times, his chest heaving as he tries to regain his breath. He steps back from you and you turn to lean against the wall. When he meets your eye the two of you begin to laugh quietly before he pulls you towards him.

His touch now was gentle, his kisses soft on the top of your head, moving down to your forehead, and then to both of your cheeks before his lips were gently against yours. You both were still trying to control your breathing but didn’t want to let one another go. He gives a small sigh as he pulls back to smile down at you, brushing your hair back a bit.

“Don’ know about you, love, but ‘m knackered.” You laugh and fold yourself against his naked body. He holds you tightly, the two of you swaying a bit side to side as your high completely goes away to now leave the room filled with nothing but pure love and adoration.

“It was from making all these girls scream your name.” You tell him, pulling back as the two of you begin gathering your clothes up and dressing.

“Maybe,” He rests a hand on your hip as you reach for the doorknob, pulling you to a stop, leaning in close to whisper in your ear. “but no one is as fun to make scream my name as you.” His words send a shiver down your spine and he gives a low chuckle as he notices your visible shudder.

He reaches for the door and pulls it open. You look up at him as he smirks, smacks your ass with an even wider smirk, and leads the way from the room. You give a sigh and follow him, knowing everyone knew exactly what had just happened in there. But as Harry grabs for your hand, bringing it up to press kiss after kiss against your fingers, you really didn’t care.



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