He assured your children that he loves them:

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When you found out that you were pregnant with your boyfriend Harry’s baby, you could not be happier. Though, once the initial excitement wore off, you realized how upset your 3 year old son was going to be if he thought he would end up being pushed to the side. He didn’t really seem to understand yet though.

“I can’t believe that there’s a baby, my baby, growing inside there.” Harry says as the two of you sit on the couch one afternoon. Your son was in his room playing and the two of you had been watching TV. You were 7 months pregnant at this point and showing a lot. Harry liked to talk to your bump and kiss it and rest his hand on it. Not that you minded at all.

“It is pretty magical.” You answer, grinning over at him as he reaches his hand over to run it across your swollen stomach. You rest your hand on top of his, lacing your fingers with his. “So, you excited to be a father?” You ask him.

“I already am a father, aren’t I?” He glances over at a picture of him and your son that hung on the wall a few feet away. You smile and nod.

“Yes, but you never had to change his diaper or be up at all hours of the night to feed him. Having a newborn is different than having a 3 year old.” You explain but he shrugs, still smiling.

“I’m looking forward to experiencing it all with you.” You smile and lean in to kiss his lips gently, reaching your hand up to play with his long brown hair.

Over the next couple of weeks, the two of you began turning one of the guest bedrooms into a nursery. You found out that you were having a girl and decided to make the room a cute purple theme. The more things you bought, the more your son seemed to start realizing what was going on.

“But why can’t I have the toys?” He asks you as he sits on the floor of the almost finished nursery. You were almost 8 months pregnant now, you had 5 more weeks in your pregnancy and felt absolutely huge. You were currently on the floor, folding baby clothes that you had gotten at your baby shower a few days earlier. Your son wanted to play with the baby toys that were in a toy chest against one wall.

“Those are baby toys, they are for the baby to play with. You have big boy toys.” You explain as you smile at him. He frowns though and looks sad.

“I can share!” He exclaims then, looking excited. You smile and nod.

“That’s very nice of you to share, baby.”

“You and Harry will still play with me, right?” He then asks, frowning again. You open your mouth to answer when a voice cuts you off.

“Of course we will.” You turn to see Harry walking in the room. He sits beside your son and pulls him into his lap. He leans against Harry’s strong chest as he hugs him.

“But you and mommy are having a new baby,” He exclaims. “You won’t care about me anymore ‘cause she’s actually your baby, I’m not.” His words actually broke your heart. This was exactly what you were afraid of when you found out that you were pregnant. You never wanted him to feel like he didn’t matter anymore. Harry looks up at you but you have to look away when your eyes well up with tears. Damn pregnancy hormones made you very emotional.

“Now you know how much I love you and how important you are to me.” Harry says, turning back to your son.

“But I’m not yours!” You shake your head, wiping at your cheeks. Harry had been more of a father than his actual father ever has been. He was about one and a half when Harry came into both of your lives. He knew Harry wasn’t his father, but he had confessed to you once that he wished he was. Harry always assured you he was more than willing to be his father and he always acted like he was. Even around his fans, they all called him Harry’s son, he might as well be.

“Who says? I love you so much, you know that.” Your son just looks up at Harry. “I am going to love you no matter how many babies mommy and I may have. You are my number one, that’s not going to change.”

“You’ll still love me even though you’ll have a new baby?” Harry looks up at you and smiles softly. You smile back, your eyes still tear filled.

“Even though I am technically not your father and I am of mommy’s new baby doesn’t mean I am going to love you any less. You’re my man!” Your son smiles up at Harry before folding himself against his chest. Harry smiles, hugging him tighter. “I love you.”

“I love you too!” Your son exclaims making you grin. You manage to crawl, your stomach hindering you a bit, over to the two of them. Harry wraps one arm around you as you lean into him, brushing your sons hair back and smiling at him.

“We both love you, you’re our baby boy, that’s not going to change because we’re getting a baby girl.” You assure him. He smiles and nods.

“You’re gonna be my little rockstar, who else am I going to teach all of my skills to?” Harry asks, making you laugh. Your son grins up at Harry.

“Will I get to play up on stage like you do?”

“You can, if that’s what you want. You can be whatever you want to be, your mom and I will be there to support you through anything.”

“’Cause we’re a family?” He questions, frowning a little. You smile and nod, leaning over to kiss his forehead.

“We sure are a family.” Harry responds, kissing the side of your head, hugging both of you close. “And I couldn’t ask for two better people to be in my life.”



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