37 weeks:

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You were 37 weeks along and you were heavily pregnant. It wasn’t a planned pregnancy but you and Harry sure were happy about it. See you both have been together for 3 years now and it didn’t surprise you that it happened. Before the tour Harry couldn’t keep his hands off of you which led to a bump growing in the oven. Now Harry is on tour for almost 7 months now and he was as anxious as can be when he’s away.

Your phone ringing pulled you out of your amazing slumber. You groaned reaching to pick up your phone. You winched at the bright setting, but looked at the caller ID.

It was Harry

You answered it. “Hello.” Harry heard the sleep in your voice and started to feel bad that he woke you up. “I’m sorry love, I woke you up?” You shook your head even though he couldn’t see you. “No I should be getting up now really. What are you doing haz?”

He exhaled, “well just finished a show and I wanted to talk to you before I fall asleep.” You smiled. “Oh, I would love to talk to you.”

You and Harry talked for a while. He asked how you were feeling, how much the baby has been kicking and how your last appointment was. He was such a sweetheart about everything, you’re so lucky to have such a loving and caring fiancee.

After a while, Harry started to get sleepy. You both knew it was best if he went to sleep so he could be ready for his show the next day. You said your I love yous and goodnight before you hung up.

You hopped out of bed and went downstairs to make yourself some breakfast. You settled on some cereal and tea. You placed the water on the stove and went to eat your cereal.

You ate and scrolled through your phone until you heard the tea kettle whisper. You got up and winched at a pain in your stomach. You placed your hand on your stomach. The pain disappeared in less than a minute so you thought it was okay. You walked up to the stove and took the kettle off. Another sharp pain filled your stomach, but this time it was stronger. You groaned, gripping the counter. You quickly switched off the stove as the pain took over your body.

You practice the breathing exercises that you learned in pregnancy class. It helped you a little bit. You got your tea and walked to the living room. You laid down and tried to push the pain away. You couldn’t be having contractions, you were 37 weeks along.

You laid and watched TV for a while. You didn’t get anymore pain so you thought you were in the clear, but you were wrong. You sat up and the pain came back. “Mm fuck.” You had a gush of pain and then you felt wetness in between your legs.

“No, no, no.” You looked down and you saw that your sweats were wet. You picked up your phone and dialed Anne’s number.

“Y/n, how are you honey?” You winched, “hi uh Anne, my water broke.” Anne gasped. “Okay, stay right there. I’m coming.” You nodded, “okay."you hung up and waited for Anna to come. She didn’t waste any time, she arrived in less than 5 minutes.

She used the key under the flower pot and welcomed herself in. "Y/n.” You sighed in relief when you heard her. “In here.” Anne walked in and looked at you. “Oh honey, let’s get you to the hospital.” You got up with her help and she led you to the door. You picked up the hospital bag on the way out not wanting to forget it.

You got in the car and Anne started driving. You picked up your phone, dialing Harry’s number through a contraction.

Harry woke up with a groan, picking up his phone. “Hello.” His voice was groggy. “Harry.” You said whimpering. Harry quickly sat up. “Y/n what’s wrong? Is the baby okay?” You groaned. “Yeah everything is fine, I’m just having contractions.” Harry cursed. He got out of bed and started packing his bag.“your mom is driving me to the hospital right now.” Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that his mom was driving him.

“Alright, just do those deep breath exercises we learned. Do you want me to stay on the phone, love?” You nodded, “Yes please."

"Okay, inhale and exhale baby.” He said as he slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out of the hotel room. He will call the crew later, but right now the only thing he’s worried about is you.

Anne arrived at the hospital and pulled into the emergency entrance. She got out of the car and got you a wheelchair so you could be wheeled in. You were still talking to Harry as another contraction hit. The nurse wheeled you in, into a room.

“Deep breathes love, everything is okay. We’re going to have a baby, isn’t that amazing?” He tried to calm you down and that made you smile. “Y… yes, we’re going to have a baby.” Harry chuckled softly at that thought. “I’m going to hang up because I’m at the airport and my jet is here. I love you so much ok, don’t have the baby without me.”

“Alright haz.” You hung up and turned to Anne. “Thank you for bringing me here.” She shook her head, “that’s what I’m here for.” You smiled at her before turning to the nurse. She asked you a series of questions before she put you on an IV. Anne stayed with you coaching you through your contraction. They started to get even more intense as you inched closer to birth. You were sweaty, crying, and cursing mess but she was by your side, even texting Harry telling him everything that was going on.

Speaking of Harry, he was just landing in London. He called Gemma so she could drive him to the hospital. Harry was getting anxiety. His legs were bouncing, his heart was racing as she drove.

“Calm down Harry, mom is with her. It’s going to be fine.” Harry looked over at Gemma. He exhaled, “I know, I’m just extremely scared.” Gemma smiled at her brother, “it’s okay Harry, I promise.”


You were literally on the edge. You were dialed and the doctor wanted you to push, but you couldn’t, not with Harry. “I can’t without Harry.” you were in pain and crying. The doctor nodded, “I know, but you have to push.” You wailed out as another contraction came over you.

“Okay, fuck I’ll push!” You hold your legs back and begin to push. You thought contractions were painful, but pushing was worse. You cried out and pushed the best you could. Through the moment Harry arrived. He sprinted to your room.

They let him in and he took Anne’s place. “You’re an amazing baby.” You whined while taking his hand. The doctor told you to push again and you did. You squeezed Harry’s hand tightly, pushing with all your might. The nurse counted to 10 and you took a deep breath.

“I can see the head, one more big push.” You nodded. You took a breath and pushed hard. You cried out, your body felt like it was on fire. It wasn’t long before the pain was eventually over when you heard a cry. You looked down and saw your beautiful baby girl. She was placed on your chest, you cried as you looked up at Harry.

He had tears in his eyes. “She’s so beautiful.” He took a hold of her tiny hand and kissed it softly. You looked at her. “Yes.”

“Have we picked out a name for her?” You looked down at the nurse. “Um yes, Darcy Anne.” You turned to Anne who was standing in the corner. “I think she deserves to be named after her amazing grandmother. Anne smiled, placing her hand over her heart. "Really?”

Harry nodded, “yes we couldn’t have done this without you ma.” Harry let go of Darcy’s hand and walked up to his mom giving her a hug. “Thank you so much for everything.” Anna hugged her son tightly. You smiled, looking back down at Darcy. She was fast asleep, she didn’t know it, but she was about to be the most spoiled princess ever. You and Harry were so happy to have her.



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