harry goes too far...

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I miss you terribly, my love. I can’t wait for you to come home to me.

(Y/N) hasn’t been home for over three weeks at this point and Harry thinks he’s going to go crazy. She was only supposed to visit her family for a week, then that week turned into two, and then her sister begged her to stay another week to help plan her wedding. Harry loved how kind his petal was, but at times like these he almost wishes she was as selfish as he and had returned weeks ago. He doesn’t know how he was able to handle centuries without her, since these past twenty-five days, four hours, and thirty-two minutes have been an absolute nightmare.

He had even tried to invite himself on the visit, but (Y/N) insisted that she wanted him to meet her family in another way, not shoved into their home for seven days where they would have to explain away too many of his mannerisms. He wishes he hadn’t listened, and instead tagged along; he would have if he had known he wouldn’t see her for almost a month.

Bonding had caused a shift between them, as it does with all couples who allow the relationship to form. Although Harry no longer felt his heat blazing through him every time she walked into a room, there was now as if there was a string attached to his unbeating heart and if his (Y/N) was ever too far for too long, it felt like his chest was at risk of being ripped open so his heart could return to its rightful home with her. Now to add on the crossing of country lines and the way the days seemed to tick by like they were years, Harry was certain he was on the edge of his second death. Not to mention he was verging on four weeks without a proper feeding.

He was starting to get desperate. The simple texts and fleeting FaceTime and phone calls weren’t enough to sate the hunger he had for her presence.


I know:( I miss you too so much!! But my flight is tomorrow morning and I should land before 5 so this time tomorrow we’ll be together again!! I love you so much!

I’m about to go to the cake tasting with my sister so ill talk to you a little later H!! Try to sleep itll make the time go by so much faster i promise!!

Harry only sent back a small message saying I love you too before locking his phone, knowing there was no point in waiting for the three small bubbles to pop up before a response. As he laid in their shared bed that didn’t smell enough like her anymore, he felt a lingering hunger pain echo through his stomach. He knew he probably didn’t look too healthy, and he was embarrassed that this would be the version of himself (Y/N) would first see when she came home, but he couldn’t do much about his sunken in eyes and ghastly skin, not when he couldn’t feed from anyone but her.

(Y/N) had left a sweater for him, one of her most worn and loved (a pretty periwinkle thing he had bought her a couple of months ago, the sleeves decorated with small white bows going down the seams), for him to hold at night, or when he missed her (so it was always within arm’s reach). He decided to take her advice and try to sleep for the night, as it would be good for his failing strength as well, so he cuddled the sweater to his face, the collar between his cheek and the pillow with the middle clutched in his hands.

Harry fell asleep while counting down the minutes until the return of his love.


“Harry, wake up. I’m home.”

Harry swears that he was dreaming; he hasn’t had a dream in centuries, but he knows that the soft fluttering voice echoing through his head was something that could only be made up by the softest and sweetest parts of his mind. He only clenched his eyes shut tighter, hoping to hold onto whatever had blessed him with their presence in his dream world.

“Harry, c'mon, I’ve missed you. Please, wake up.”

The voice was now accompanied by a shake to his shoulder. He dared cracking his eyes open just the smallest bit. Instead of seeing the fluffed up white linens of his bed, he saw the fabric of (Y/N)’s periwinkle sweater edging his vision only to act as a frame around the one thing he knew he wasn’t creative enough to conjure from his own thoughts.

[H.S] ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ