she's a good girl part 2:

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Three weeks into your relationship with Harry Styles and you still hadn’t slept with him. You wanted to, but you had to admit that deep down a part of you was worried that as soon as Harry got what he wanted from you, he would leave and never want anything to do with you again. You hoped he wasn’t like that, you were sure he wasn’t, but his friends always cracked jokes about how this was the longest it had taken him to get in bed with a girl and how much he must miss it.

“Hey, Harry?” You start one night as he drives towards his house after the two of you had finished dinner. He said he wanted to have a movie night and cuddle on the couch with you until you both fell asleep. You had been thinking about doing something other than falling asleep but were again afraid that would be it. Besides, you’d only slept with one other guy, you didn’t sleep around so this was a big deal and you wanted to be sure you wanted it completely first.

“Yes, love?” Harry answers, glancing over at you before focusing back on the road. He shoots you a smile as he does it, making you smile back.

“I’m sorry I’ve made you wait so long to sleep together.” You mutter, not sure how else to get on the subject of sleeping together. You knew you needed reassurance first, you needed to know that he didn’t want to just sleep with you to say he had the success of bedding the good girl before calling it quits.

“No worries, sweetheart. I’ve told you before I’m okay waiting until you were completely ready. I don’t mind waiting. I love spending time with you, no matter what we’re doing.” He reaches over, resting his hand on your thigh, patting it comfortingly. You smile and rest your hand over his. He locks his fingers with yours, squeezing them gently.

“I know, I just.. I’m afraid that..” You weren’t sure how to say it. It sounded so harsh, not trusting him to stay with you and that he was just with you for the score, but you were afraid none the less and had to know.

“Afraid of what, love?” He pushes, glancing over at you, a crease forming between his brows.

“Afraid that as soon as I sleep with you that you won’t want to be with me anymore, that you’re just with me until you’ve succeeded and then you won’t want me anymore.” There, you finally got it out. Your fear was now out there and you were terrified of his answer.

“I understand why you would fear that and I’m sorry that I’ve given you any reason to doubt my feelings for you but I promise, sweetheart, that I am not going anywhere, no matter if we sleep together tonight or a year from now. I want to be with you because you’re you and I enjoy being around you. I know I’ve told you how much I used to sleep around and how I enjoy casual sex but as soon as I saw you, I knew I was willing to wait as long as you needed. I’m just happy to have you beside me and that’s not going to chance.” You honestly couldn’t keep the smile off of your face. Those were exactly the words you wanted and needed to hear.

“Thank you.” You whisper, smiling over at him. He looks over at you and smiles right back. “I think I want to… tonight.” Your heart was racing as you say those words, knowing you really meant them. You wanted Harry, and you wanted him tonight.

“Are you sure, love? Don’t feel like you have to sleep with me. I am really okay with waiting, I don’t mind, honestly.” He assures you as he pulls into his driveway.

“I know and I think that’s why I’m ready now, because now I’m sure that you want me either way, whether we do it now or not.” You explain as he pulls into his garage and turns the car off. He looks over at you as you both unbuckle your seat belts. Your heart raced against your chest, pounding in your ears as you stare into his green eyes. “I really want to.” You whisper before reaching out, resting your hand on his stubbly cheek as you lean forward, pressing your lips to his.

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