shimmer vest and sex:

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Tonight was the first night of Love On Tour. Harry had been waiting for this for over a year and he was buzzing. He was wearing a shiny pink outfit- hot pink pants, and a shiny pink vest with a hot pink shirt.

You were waiting in the pit for him to come out. Jenny Lewis just finished her set and the crew was setting up for Harry. Five minutes until he was about to go on. You know he was backstage, jumping up and down. The stage was 360 and circular so really no matter where you were, you could see.

The lights were flickering and the crew was finished and it was time for Harry. The crowd went wild and you had a huge smile on your face.

Harry had popped up from the center of the stage and this was it! Love on Tour had officially started. He didn’t tell you anything about the setlist so it would be a surprise. When the music for “Golden” started, you almost cried. That was your favorite song.

He looked so happy up there and everyone was dancing and having a great time. Harry caught your eye and winked and you smiled. You just realized he gave up on the shirt and was just in his vest. What a whore!

After much dancing, speeches, singing and an overall great time, the concert was slowly coming to a close. He had just finished “Watermelon Sugar” and was onto the last song, “Kiwi,” which was your favorite from his first album.

When he was finished, he ran around the stage crazily and blew kisses to everyone. You were surprised that he actually did his whale spit with the water. After spending much time on the stage, he ran off by the Cherry pit and that was it. It was over.

People were walking out and you were being escorted by a security guard backstage. Once you got back there, you saw Harry jumping. He was on such a high.

Once he saw you, his face lit up and he bounced over to you, placing a kiss on your lips. “Hi, love. Did yeh like the show?”

“Loved it Har! You were SO great up there,” you ran your fingers down his vest. “And you looked so happy.”

He nodded. “SO happy! I feel like I have so much energy. I can’t calm down. AHH. That was so much fun.”

“You deserve it, babe!” you giggled.

He kissed you again and then thanked and hugged every single band and crew member. You sat down in the corner as the band and Harry buzzed, taking a shot and chattering away.

After about one hour, when the venue was completely cleared out, you started to head out with Harry. He got changed and grabbed all his bags. He was about to leave his clothes there for Harry Lambert to put away, but you stopped him. “Are you allowed to take that with you?”

Harry raised his eyebrows and smirked. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” you said, putting your hand on his chest. “I really liked the vest.” You bit your lip.

Harry chuckled and went back, putting that outfit in a garment bag, throwing it over his shoulder and headed out the door with you. You got onto the tour bus, just you and him and relaxed into him. “The band wanted teh go out for drinks, but I told them no.”

You picked your head up. “Har go if you want. I don’t mind.”

“No, no,” he shook his head. “Wanna spend tonight with yeh. Gotta let off my energy somehow.” He chuckled and your face turned red.

“Ok,” you said and the tour bus was on its way to the hotel.

Once you arrived, a nice door man took your bags up to your room. Harry didn’t have his wallet on him, so you gave him a nice tip, which kind of made him a bit upset, but he got over it.

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