Fight On Your Honeymoon:

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Marrying the love of your life was honestly the best day of your entire existence and you couldn’t have been happier. Walking down the isle in your dream wedding dress, your friends and family smiling at you, you couldn’t have imagined it going any better. As you stood up there, tears in your eyes as you listened to Harry reading his vows to you, you knew you were ready for this, ready to tie yourself to this man for the rest of your life.

You were now 4 days into your honeymoon. Harry had surprised you and taken you to Tahiti. Your room literally opened up right onto the water. You could step off the back patio and be in the ocean. It was private and absolutely amazing.

You were kind of annoyed at the moment though. Harry was taking yet another business call, making you wait yet again. You wanted to go out and explore the area a bit and he had agreed but right as he put on his shoes he got a call and had to take it. That was 10 minutes ago and he was now in front of his laptop on the desk, frowning as he typed away, his phone resting between his shoulder and ear as he talked. This had happened 5 times now in the 4 days you had been here.

You stood beside the door, your bag over your shoulder, ready to go. You cross your arms, tapping your foot angrily. He glances up at you but quickly looks away and back at his laptop. You sigh, drop your bag and go fall onto the couch. You were really trying to not be pissed but his work calls were starting to ruin your time.

“Okay, I have to go now but talk later, yeah?” You finally hear him say a few minutes later.

“Oh no, keep talking!” You yell at him over your shoulder. “I’ve been waiting long enough already, I can wait longer, it’s okay.” You hear him sigh and stand up from the chair.

“I’m sorry, love.” He says as he comes up behind the couch. He goes to kiss the top of your head but you pull away and stand, turning around to glare at him. “I had to talk to them about something, I’m sorry!”

“You do realize that’s the 5th time you’ve left me to take a call, right? Yesterday you left me on the beach because you had to come back here to talk to them. I get that you’re job is important but am I also not important?!” All the anger you had been holding in suddenly explode out. “If you don’t want to be here with me, if you have something more important to go do, then please, just tell me now and we can go back home.”

“Will you stop acting like that!” He yells, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration. He pushes back the few strands of his long curls that had fallen loose from the bun he had pulled it back in. “You know you’re important to me, they are just phone calls!”

“Just phone calls that are ruining our honeymoon.” As if on cue, his phone began to ring in his pocket. You glare at him as he looks across the room at you, biting at his lip. He then sighs and pulls it out. Your jaw drops open when he actually answers. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” You scream but he shakes his head.

“Mate, look I can’t talk anymore, okay? I’m on my honeymoon all of this will just have to wait until I get home in two weeks, yeah?” You shake your head and go over to the closet, pulling it open.

“I want to go home right now!” You say, pulling things off the hangers. “Work is more important, that got damn tour is more important so we better go home now so you can focus on it instead of me, instead of our fucking marriage!”

“I mean it, stop calling, okay?” Harry was then there beside you, pulling you away from the closet. He takes the dress you had pulled from the hanger and tosses it behind him, taking your shoulders in his hands and leaning to look in your eyes. “I’m sorry, alright? You’re right, I shouldn’t have continued to take those calls, I wasn’t thinking.”

“I don’t want to be here anymore, Harry.” You tell him, looking back into those green eyes that you love so much. He sighs and shakes his head as his phone rings again. “They need you, you guys leave for tour in three weeks, we shouldn’t have come on such a long honeymoon so soon before you guys leave.” He just shakes his head again, pulls his phone out and presses ignore before shutting the phone off completely. He tosses it over onto the couch and turns back to you.

“I understand why you are upset with me, I get it, I was stupid for thinking it was okay to be on my phone so much it will not happen again, I swear to you, love.” You bite your lip and sigh.

“I just know how important it is to get those things done, we should go home so you can do all the things you need to do.” You tell him but he shakes his head.

“You are more important to me than any phone call or anything that they need me for. They can figure everything out without me or go to one of the guys. I am too busy celebrating being married to the greatest person in the entire world.” He smirks as he wraps his arms around your waist. You feel yourself giving in as you melt into his body.

“Greatest person in the whole, huh?” He laughs and nods.

“Am I forgiven then?” You sigh and roll your eyes.

“Yes, but only because you are too cute to stay mad at.” He laughs and presses his lips to yours.

“Good now let’s go explore like you wanted to and then I plan on bringing you back here to show you just how I like to please the greatest person in the world.” He reaches down and smacks your ass, making you yelp but laugh. You shove at his tattooed chest playfully.

“Get going before I make you show me now.” He grins and takes your hand, pulling you over to the door and out of the hotel room.



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