Starts working with your abusive ex

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“So how do you like the new guy?” You question your boyfriend as the two of you get ready one morning. Harry’s band had brought in a couple of new producers to help them on their new album. You hadn’t met the newest one yet but that was changing today as the whole team, band, and significant others, were going out for breakfast as a ‘get to know you’ type of thing.

“He’s alrigh’.” Harry comments as he brushes his fingers through his long curls before he pushes them back off his forehead. You put down the brush you were using on your own hair and turn to face him.

“You don’t sound too keen on him.” You give him a frown as you watch the look of frustration cross Harry’s handsome face.

“He jus’ gives off a bad vibe to me. He’s good though, he’ll really help, I jus’… don’ see him bein a long time friend.” He explains, walking over to you. “Bu’ he’s nice enough.” He takes you up in your arms and before you can ask anything else about this new team member, he presses his lips to yours.

The new guy wasn’t at the restaurant yet but everyone else was. You said hello to the guys, gave out hugs and kisses on the cheek to everyone and just as Harry pulled out your seat for you, in walked the new guy.

“Hey, there he is!” Louis exclaims when he sees him. You turn, not having sat yet and come face to face with someone who made your blood run cold. You take a step back, bumping into Harry’s chest. You try to move back more but Harry’s hands on your hips stop you.

“You alrigh’, love?” You look up at him, seeing his concerned face but you look back at the man now grinning at you, having recognized you of course.

“Y/N,” He greets, taking a step towards you but you shove back even further into Harry.

“Do you know each other?” Niall questions, frowning. He could see how uncomfortable, scared even, you were at the sight of this man and everyone was immediately concerned, they had never seen you this way.

“Oh yeah, Y/N and I go way back. Right, babe?” You see that once familiar smirk and that gleam in his eye that sent terrified chills down your body.

“This is… t-this…” You couldn’t say it. “.. ex.” Was all you managed, your chest beginning to constrict. You look up, meeting Harry’s green eyed frown and watch as it clicks in his mind. You had never told anyone but Harry what your ex had done to you. None of the other guys knew, your friends didn’t know, your own family didn’t know. Harry only found out when you had flinched away from him once during an argument and it all came spilling out after you begged him not to hurt you. Not that Harry ever would, you’d just spent years with the man before you being tossed around like a rag doll and now here he was back in front of you acting like the two of you were best of friends.

“You two dated?” Liam questioned, standing from his seat as he saw the anger rush across Harry’s face. Everyone figured it was the typical jealousy and protectiveness one gets around their current girlfriends ex but really it was more than that. Harry had seen the scars on your body, heard the stories, seen the terror in your eyes.

“Do you want to go?” Harry leans down to mumble in your ear. His arm was wrapped protectively around your waist, holding you close against him to let you know that he had you and he would protect you.

“Oh, come on. Let’s not let our past ruin the fun of the day!” You both turn back to your ex who was still acting as if all that had happened between you was a simple break-up. It had really ended with you in the hospital and him arrested for assault. You ended up dropping the charges when his family threatened you but you’d left and hadn’t seen him since then. You met Harry a couple of months later and he helped you get over it.

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