Drugs Pt 1

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“Harry,” You call up the stairs, trying to find your boyfriend.

“Have you seen my headphones?” You wanted to go out for a run but couldn’t find your headphones.

“I think I put them in the side pocket of my gym bag!” He calls back from your bedroom. “I’ll check.”

“No, I got it!” You head into the kitchen where he had dropped his gym back when he’d gotten home the night before.

“No, I’ll do it!” He yelled back but you were already zipping open the bag. You slip your hand into the side pocket of the gym back and find your headphones but as you pull them out, something else comes with it. Your eyes widen as you look at the small baggy that had just fallen to the ground. Inside were small white pills. “Oh, shit.” You look up at Harry who had just came to a halt in the doorway of the kitchen.

“The fuck is this?!” You pick up the bag, holding it out to him. He sighs, looking down at the ground. When he looks back up at you, he runs a hand through his long brown hair. “Well?”

“It’s nothing, I swear.” He says, looking back at you. He looked so petrified, and he should. You were livid.

“Nothing? Nothing?!” You throw the bag at him. “It looks like drugs to me.” He sighs, making no move to pick up the bag.

“It’s just… it’s just to help me perform better, ya know?” He explains, trying to cover for himself but you shake your head.

“Perform better? Fuck that. You’re on drugs!” You couldn’t believe this. You could not believe that Harry had done this, that he thought this was okay.

“Not really!” He yells back. “I’ve taken them like once or twice, it’s not like a regular thing or anything.”

“Oh okay, that makes is so much better. It’s not a regular thing, it’s okay then.” You mock, rolling your eyes. “I cannot believe you.” You shake your head before moving past him, leaving the room.

“Come on, babe!” He yells after you but you turn back to him, glaring.

“Leave me alone for a bit, okay?” You say to him. “I don’t want to see your face right now.” He frowns but gives a nod anyway. You turn back and head upstairs. When you are in your bedroom, you can’t help yourself. You go to Harry’s bedside and open the drawer of his nightstand. You rummage around it but thankfully don’t find anything. You do the same for his drawer in the bathroom. Thankfully nothing was there. You always gave him privacy in things like that but you just had to see, you had to know if he was hiding anything more from you.

You just couldn’t believe that Harry, your Harry, had taken to pills. You never imagined that you would ever have to deal with something like this with Harry. You didn’t know how to approach this anymore.

After sitting on the bed for a good hour, just thinking everything over and over again in your head, you decided that it was time to go talk with Harry. You weren’t quite so livid anymore and knew you needed to talk about it now.

“Hey.” You say when you go downstairs and find him sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. When he hears your face, his head shoots up, his hair falling in his face. He slides it back with his hand.

“Hey.” He answers back, seemingly tentative, waiting to see your reaction and how you were going to act towards him.

“We need to talk.” You say, sitting on the couch beside him. He nods, turning to face you.

“I flushed the pills down the toilet.” He tells you. You bite at your lip, nodding.

“Why did you start taking pills?” You ask him. He sighs, running a hand through his hair again.

“I just… someone asked if I wanted to give it a try and,” He shrugs. “I just thought that I’d give it a go.” He explains.

“You know that’s a shit reason, right?” You say. He gives a small smile before his face falls again and he nods.

“I completely understand that what I did was wrong, I own up to my stupid decision.” You sigh, scooting just a little bit closer to him. You could feel your anger and disappointment towards him evaporating. You’d be a little angry and cautious for a while, not sure you could fully trust him, but you knew you’d get over it eventually.

“Be honest with me, how many have you taken?” You ask him. He looks down at the ground.

“I’ve taken it 4 times. Always at the gym or the studio, never when I’m around you.” He explains.

“Why did you keep it from me?” You ask. “If you know it’s wrong enough to keep it from me, then why do it in the first place?”

“I’m stupid.” He answers, shaking his head. He looked so remorseful and that was making it easier to forgive him. “I’ll never do it again. I didn’t enjoy it enough to risk losing you.”

“I can’t control you, if that’s what you like then… do it.” You weren’t that girlfriend. You weren’t the kind of girlfriend who told her boyfriend what he could and couldn’t do. You never wanted to be like that. You would hate it if he started doing drugs as a regular thing, you weren’t saying you’d stick around to see that, but you weren’t going to tell him what to do. “I just can’t promise I’d stick around then.” He shakes his head, reaching over to take your hand tightly in his.

“Love, you are the most important thing to me. You’re better than anything else I could ever do in life. You give me the best high, that’s what I want. I want you.” He says, moving even closer to you. His side was now touching yours and he was looking down at you. He was so close now, you could kiss him. You had to resist though until this conversation was over.

“Just… promise me that if this happens again, you’ll be honest with me and not keep it from me. You hiding something serious like this from me worries me a lot too.” You tell him. He gives a small smile and leans over, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. You close your eyes, reveling in the feel of his lips on you.

“I’ll never keep anything from you again, love. I promise you.” You look up at him, finally giving him a smile.

“I trust you.” You say. He smiles, reaching up with his free hand to rest it on your cheek.

“I’m sorry, honestly. You’re the most important thing in my life.” He tells you. You smile, reaching over to place your own hand on his soft cheek, reaching back to run your hands through the ends of his hair.

“I know.” You say before you finally lean forward, pressing your lips against his.



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