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Are you coming in?”

Harry couldn’t help the lazy smile that spread over his lips, dimples denting into his cheeks as they stopped in front of her apartment door. She did her best to unlock the front door though one of her hands was held hostage in both of Harry’s. He just couldn’t find it in himself to let go even though he knew he was only making it harder on her to concentrate.

“Do y'want me to?” he prodded, a satisfied undercurrent to his words. He liked knowing that she wasn’t ready for him to leave yet, just as he wasn’t prepared to say goodbye for the night.

“You know I do,” she answered shyly, glancing over her shoulder as she pushed open the white lacquered wood, “But only if you want to, too.”

She should know by now that wherever she wanted him, he would be there. He only gave her a soft curl of his lips, sacrificing the hold of one of his hands to pat her on the bottom, “Go on, I’ll be right behind you.”

A familiar smile colored her features, the same giddy one that caused a garden to bloom in his chest since he had started getting closer to her. It was the same smile she looked at him with when he took her out for the first time, the same one she had appeared with when she ran back to give him a hug and thank him for keeping his promise to see her, and the same one that she had given to him every time he’d come to see her since. It made him feel like he put the stars in the sky and dotted craters into the moon; like he was powerful enough to create the universe if she so asked him to.

Harry followed after her like a lost puppy, only having half the mind to close the door behind him and twist the accompanying lock. He was forced to let go of her hand when she reached to take off her shoes, this pair much more comfortable than the usual heels she had worn in the past on dates with him. He made a point to match his boots up beside her’s in the cubby by the door, the white leather of his brushing against her own sparkly pair.

He looked out into her living room, the area a disaster of notebook pages and open textbooks. The pages had scribbled notes strung along the lines, highlighted headings at the top that matched the duo of textbooks that laid spread open on the coffee table.

“This what y'were working on before I picked y'up?” Harry smiled, rounding the couch to get a look at the subject she was studying so hard over.

“Yeah,” (Y/N) sighed, her voice slumping the same way he could picture her shoulders doing when she caught sight of the homework, “I’m having to do an extra section on that group project now that one of my partners just dropped the course out of nowhere.”

“Really?” Harry gaped, whipping his head up to catch her following his path to sit beside him on the couch, “Was it that boy y'were telling me about?”

“Mhm,” she hummed, a slight roll to her eyes though Harry could see how tired she was just at the thought of the extra work.

“Are the others helping you at all?”

“No, they said they have too many credits this semester and one of them has to work everyday so she doesn’t have time,” (Y/N) explained, falling into the cushions beside him. She reached out and began picking up her notes, leafing through them in an effort to put them in order before stuffing them into a folder she had slid under the table.

“Oh love,” he cooed, scooting over to wrap her up in his arms, “I can help you, if y'want. ’M not sure I’ll be much help with the subject itself, but I can help with the paper and I’ll work on anything you’re not sure about.” Harry was already working around his schedule, trying to find his free moments when he could commit to his promises and help (Y/N) all he could.

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