Never leave your side:

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Harry almost wishes Y/n never came back home.

It sounds horrible, but he genuinely feels like he’s going mental seeing Y/n every day and knowing he has to keep his distance from her. Not being able to touch her or talk to her when she’s always around is the most excruciating thing he’s ever had to do.

He’s had to sleep without her for nearly a week now and it’s starting to take a toll on him. He’s never slept well on his own—even as an adult—so having Y/n beside him was absolutely essential for him to get a good night’s rest. So having spent the past five nights in an empty bed when he can practically feel her neglect from the other side of the wall, makes it so hard for him to find enough comfort to sleep peacefully.

Each morning he’s woken her up with coffee and breakfast ready on the kitchen table for her wake, leaving her a notecard saying when he’ll be home and what he’ll be bringing back for dinner that day. And usually, she’ll accept her dinner with a shy smile and settle for casual conversation as they munch on their last meal of the day, but it’s not the same.

Harry feels her slipping away.

He supposes that’s why she insisted on staying home instead of crashing at his mum’s house, or renting out a hotel room until everything gets resolved. This is his punishment. This is his own personal hell and she well knows how much it’s ruining him from the inside out.

But on the sixth night tossing and turning alone in their king bed, he just isn’t having it anymore. Almost a week and they have made no progress in their relationship and he knows it’s his fault. This entire situation is his fault and he’s only making it worse by not trying to fix it. He’s just letting himself sulk in his regret and guilt rather than using them as a way to change their relationship.

And maybe that’s what she wanted in the long run. Maybe she stayed home in hopes that he’d stop at no limits to gain her trust back, or fight for his life to keep her in his, not to drive him absolutely fucking mental. Because at the end of the day, no matter how much pain he put her through, she’d never put him through the same.

At least that’s what he hopes.

But no matter what the reason, he refuses to let her sleep alone when she already feels like he isn’t there for her enough. He needs her to know that he’s always going to be beside her, holding her up whenever she feels down. Because even though he’s failed to prove it to her, he’s her biggest supporter and he knows that.

He crawls out of bed after failing to fall asleep for nearly two hours now, untangling himself from the duvets and halfheartedly making his way over to the guest bedroom.

With all the lights in the hall off, Harry blindly wiggles the doorknob until the door creeks open. The moonlight is hitting perfectly against Y/n’s silhouette and his heart swells at the sight of her curled beneath the sheets as her chest rises and falls with each breath she takes.

He always found her the most beautiful while she was asleep—even though she really was always beautiful, but he was always so intrigued by how effortlessly gorgeous she was. Whether she had fallen asleep with makeup from the night before or fell asleep with her bare skin and unbrushed hair, she never failed to take his breath away.

He doesn’t know what he’d do if there was ever a day he would have to fall asleep without seeing her face again.

He takes a weary step into the bedroom, his movements slow as she tries to shut the door behind him without waking her up. Apart of him would die if she knew his intentions and decided to reject them, even if they were the most harmless.

He creeps to the empty side of the bed, gentle to push the duvets back and attempt to crawl in beside her. But this bed is much smaller than the one they used to share, and since Y/n hasn’t been getting the best sleep of her life, either, she took full advantage of the space she had to herself to try and get comfortable enough to sleep.

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