When the power goes out

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“It’s so damn cold” Harry mutters, putting his hands up to his mouth and blowing heat onto them.

“It’s getting late, H, I think I should get going.”

Harry pouts, shaking his head as he holds onto Y/n like it’s for the life of him. The storm is too strong, the power has gone out, and most roads are closed, he’s so scared for her to be driving in such dangerous conditions. And to be frank, she was, too, but she had no clothes here, nor has she ever spent the night, so inviting herself just felt wrong, no matter how bad she does want to stay.

“Have you seen it outside? You’re not leaving this house until the roads are cleared and the snow has stopped. Until then, you’re mine.”

Y/n giggles, turning her head so that she can place a soft kiss on his lips.
“I’m always yours, silly goose.”

He hums, staring into her eyes in admiration. The illumination from the candles light her eyes, he’s almost hypnotized.

“But this means you can sleep with me! Let’s go! let’s go to bed, keep each other warm and give each other company. You can wear my clothes. C’m on.”

He jumps up, pulling Y/n with him, and his rush is the cutest thing she’s ever seen. He hops up the steps, his hand loosely wrapped around hers. Her laugh echoes through the staircase as she tries to keep up with him. He looks back at her, throwing back his head as he reaches the top step. Y/n is still laughing when she catches up to him, her body colliding with his from his abrupt halt. She giggles into his chest, her tiny fingers playing against his. Harry exhales against the top of her head, soft chuckles leaving his nearly blue lips.

“Lay down with me” He mutters, teeth clattering.

She chuckles, grasping his waist to bring him a little closer.

“That was the plan, baby. ‘M g’nna sleep with you.”

“I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.”

She sighs, rolling her eyes before playfully slapping him in the chest.

“Come on, H, lets get to bed and warm up.”

Once they get comfortable between the sheets of Harry’s bed, they bring the covers over their heads, arms and legs still tangled with each others. They smile, because this is their first true night together, with no way of communicating with other people, no distractions, just the missing warmth that they can now only rely on each other for, and the missing light they can other get from each others eyes.

“I wish I could see all of you” Harry whispers.

Y/n smirks, her thumb rubbing against the back of his hand, staring into the slight sparkle in his eyes.

“I don’t need to see you to know you’re scrunching your nose to feel how cold it is.”

Harry gasps, his mouth agape with surprise. Because, ultimately, she’s right. It’s a habit he’s developed ever since he was little, where he’d pucker his lips and scrunch his nose so that he can feel how cold he truly is.

“Rude!” He jokes, pushing her head away from his.

She laughs louder than he’s ever heard her, and he can’t get enough of it. This is the first time he can’t see her entirely, just her eyes, and on some levels, he’s perfectly okay with that. He can study her more intimately this way, study how she talks, study her emotions with each word, study her laughter, study what truly makes her happiest. It’s so much more than looking at somebody’s beauty, it’s getting to know them on such different perspectives, finding beauty on so many other levels.

“You’re just offended because I’m right, aren’t you?” She teases, poking her fingers into his chest.

Harry pouts, looking down at his chest. She giggles, ticking his skin by dancing her fingers along his sides.

“Tell me I’m right! Tell me I’m right!” She sing-songs.

Harry tries to hold in his laughter, but fails in a matter of seconds. He finds it hard to catch his breath, his face hurting from his smile, and his head is thrown back against his shoulders.

Y/n keeps tickling him, and she almost wants to stop, but the sound of him is just too charming, and so warming, she almost forgets that the heat isn’t on.

“Yo—you—you’re right! You’re right!” He pants, trying to catch his breath through his constant giggles.

Y/n sighs contently, resting her head in between his neck and shoulder, nuzzling her face in the dip.

“I know I’m right.”

He looks down at her in awe, feeling her lips pucker against his skin. He slips his arms in between them, resting his hands on the small of her back. He plants his face onto the top of her head, holding onto every bit of her he possibly can. Y/n can feel how cold Harry’s nose is through the roots of her hair, and she gasps at the feeling. She had no idea he was that cold, especially since they haven’t moved an inch away from each other and have been underneath two comforters.

“I’m so right, H,” she whispers, “You’re so cold. C’m ‘ere”

She places a gentle kiss on his nose before she buries his face in her neck this time, the tips of her fingers grazing the nape of his neck.

Harry inhales sharply, rocking his baby against him.

“But now I can’t see you at all.” He whines.

He pushes his hips against hers slightly, just so that there are no gaps in between any of their limbs. He wants to be tangled against her completely, like a knot in a rope, so close and so tight together that even the strongest forces can’t separate them.

His nails slightly scrape up and down her back, occasionally drawing little heart shapes on her dimples.

“Awe, my poor baby.” She gushes, “I mean, it is upsetting. But this, right here, right now, I would never want to replace this.”

She blinks a few times, her fingers never leaving his neck, embracing what this beautiful night has brought her.

“Thank you for letting me spend the night. It’s—it’s been too beautiful.”
Harry smiles weakly against her.

“Don’t leave. You don’t have to leave, y’know. I know we’ve only been together for only eight months but, it’s too big of a house when you’re not here, and, after this, I—I don’t think I ever want to spend another night without you.“

Y/n swears she has never felt her heart this way, so warm and fast, like a firework erupting inside of her. She knows without a doubt that this is the man she’s going to spend the rest of her life with. She knew it on the first date, the first kiss, the first time, she knew it from the moment her eyes met him that this was the real deal. He was an open door to a new life, and a new life she got.

“You don’t have to, not anymore.”



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