Drugs Pt 3

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Two weeks after you had walked out on Harry, you heard that he entered rehab. The perfect Harry Styles was in rehab. It also became known that you had left him. There were plenty of rumors that you left him because he was on drugs(truth), but also another one that you had broken his heart so badly that he turned to drugs(lie). Either way, it was a huge scandal in the entertainment business right now.

“He knew he made a mistake,” Liam says to you after you met up with him, Louis and Niall for lunch one afternoon. “so he wanted to get help to make sure it never happens again.”

“He’s hoping that if you see that he’s making an effort to fix this, you’ll come back to him.” Niall adds, giving you a small smile and shrug. “Do you think….” He trails off. “Do you think that is a possibility?” You sigh, running a hand through your hair.

“Niall, I’ll be totally honest with you.” You start. “I miss him, I miss him so much. I just don’t trust him, at all. How can you be with someone you don’t trust?” The three of them exchange a sad look before they nod.

“We understand but we also know how much the two of you love each other. You had a life together, he’s fighting for that now.” Louis explains, reaching across the table to take your hand. “Just promise me what at least when he gets out of rehab in two weeks, you will at least have a chat with him.”

“Louis… I don’t know.” You wanted to see him, you missed him so much, but if you were to see him again, you knew it would be hard to resist him.

“How about you call him? We can give you the number at the clinic to call him. He needs you right now.” Liam pleads, giving you a sad look. “I’m afraid for my friend, Y/N. We just want him better and happy.”

“Okay.” You say, giving in, shaking your head. You take your hand away from Louis’, folding them in your lap. “I’ll call him.”

So, the next afternoon, you sit down on your bed, which was at your parents house as you had nowhere else to go and had yet to find a new place for yourself. You missed your house so much. You pull out your phone and dial the number Niall had programmed into your phone the previous afternoon. You told them you would call yesterday but you needed last night to think things through, you needed to think about what you really wanted and what you would say.

After the front desk answered, you told them who you wished to speak to and were put on hold. Your heart was racing, you were shaking and nervous but as soon as you heard his voice say hello on the other line, you burst into tears and sob.

“Love is that you?” He questions, the shock evident in his voice.

“I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to cry I just… didn’t expect that hearing your voice would effect me so much.” You say, trying to calm down but tears still slid down your cheek.

“It’s so good to hear your voice.” He also sounded like he was crying now. “I miss you so much.”

“I miss you too.” You confess. You weren’t even going to try and pretend that you didn’t. You missed him so much. You missed his arms around you, his soft kisses, his long hair under your finger tips. “I just called because… I promised the guys that I would, I said I would hear you out, at least.”

“Thank you, thank you so much for calling.” He says, you hear him give a sniff, signalling that he had in fact been crying as well. “I don’t deserve for you to have called, but I’m so grateful that you did.”

“I’m glad that you are getting help. How is it going?” You question and hear him sigh.

“It’s not really as bad as I feared it would be.” He starts. “I wasn’t far enough into an addiction to have that bad of withdrawals so I’ve mostly just been talking with a therapist and support groups.” He explains.

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