Don't leave me part 1

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Y/n wakes up to the feel of her daughter’s small hand shaking her shoulder, dazed and confused from her slumber as she turns her body over to face the wide, glistening eyes that should be resting at this hour of night.

“Amelia, what —”

“Why are you and daddy fighting?”

The question takes Y/n off guard considering the argument between her and Harry brewed hours ago, rooms away from where Amelia was, and though they so badly wanted to rip each other’s throats out and scream their case until their faces turned blue, they didn’t, because that’s not the kind of people they are.

She shouldn’t have heard any of it, but Y/n supposes the shift between her and Harry’s company — usually filled with laughter, loving touches, and kisses behind closed doors — was unusual and alarming for Amelia. And surely, Y/n sleeping alone on their bed with Harry asleep on the couch in the living room was enough for her to realize that whatever happened between them was bad enough to keep them apart.

Y/n rubs at her dry eyes as she lifts herself up with her elbow, furrowing her eyebrows as the little girl sheds silent tears upon her cheeks.

“Princess, there’s no reason for you to cry.” She insists in worry, lifting the end of the duvets up so that Amelia had room to crawl in beside her. “Come here.”

Amelia’s sniffles get louder as she curls herself up against her mum’s body, and Y/n is quick to wrap her arms around her fearful and confused daughter. And no matter how many times she has seen her cry, seen her lip quiver, seen her eyes well up with pain, it never gets easier to watch. If anything, it only makes her heart break more the older Amelia gets.

Y/n presses a kiss upon Amelia’s hairline.

“Sometimes mummy and daddy are going to fight, but it doesn’t mean we love each other any less. There are days where we just need to be alone for a while, yeah? Just like how you go to your room and play with your dolls after me or daddy upset you? It’s just like that. When you come out, you don’t love us any less, right? May still be upset and hurt, but you always find your own way back to us. This is no different.”

“B—but my old mummy left us when she fought with daddy. She never came back and it was — was just like what happened between you and daddy today. Mummy slept in bed, daddy slept on the couch, and then she was gone.”

Y/n has to shut her eyes closed, just for a moment — just long enough for her to keep her own tears at bay, long enough for her to hold it together for Amelia’s sake because it kills her. To see Amelia like this kills her, and this very fear that she’s feeling in this moment is never going to end. It’s going to be there, forever, even if Y/n is, too.

“I don’t want you to leave me, mumma. Please, don’t leave me.”

Amelia begs and sobs into Y/n’s chest, her knuckles white as she grips onto the collar of her pajama shirt so tightly in her small hands, as if to keep her with her.

Y/n holds her body so tightly against hers, it almost hurts, but she doesn’t care. Neither of them do, because right now, all they need is each other.

“Amelia, I would never leave you. I promise. I’m going to be your mumma forever, no matter what kind of day your daddy and I are having, or where we fall asleep at night. I am always going to be here when you wake up.”

And she was.

Y/n was there the next morning when Amelia woke up on her mummy and daddy’s bed, with her arms still wrapped around her body and her lips pressed against the top of her head. And not only did she wake up to Y/n beside her, but she woke up to Harry beside her, too — his eyes slightly open, a small smile on his lips upon his daughter’s awakening, his arm draped over her body and his hand resting at the top of Y/n’s leg.


“Good morning, sunshine.” He smiles fully now, rubbing his nose against her cheek. “Missed you and mumma this morning.”

Y/n hums at this, still half-asleep, her heart warming at the sound of his morning voice and the feel of his hand against her skin. Even when they couldn’t stand the sight of each other just hours ago, they can’t get enough of each other.

“We’ve missed you this morning, too.” Y/n confesses sheepishly. “And last night.”

Harry missed Y/n so much, he didn’t sleep. He couldn’t no matter how much he tried. The look on her face while they were arguing — the sadness in her eyes, the hardening of her face — was enough to break his heart over and over and over again.

But he can’t tell her that because the look on her face now — so soft and so flushed, so beautiful and so breathtaking — beats everything else he’s ever seen. And if he were to tell her he didn’t sleep, it would go away just as quickly as it came, and he wouldn’t ever forgive himself for it.

The hand that was once resting upon her leg is now grazing her cheek, his eyes never breaking away from hers.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” He whimpers with a crack in his voice. “I’m so sorry.”

Y/n smiles softly, snuggling her cheek further into his touch.

“I know. I am, too. Never want to do that again.”

And all three of them lay there, holding each other for the rest of the morning. And Amelia has never felt so whole and so loved than she does in this very moment — with her daddy singing songs and laughing between his words, and her mummy holding her hand, kissing his lips and her cheeks, like she doesn’t belong anywhere else.



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