Balance Pt 2:

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Harry’s POV
I finished up my interview just in time to go see Y/N’s set. Her album recently came out, and it was doing insanely well. Gemma showed me her music about a year ago. We were stuck in New York traffic, and she kept telling me about this new singers song that just came out.

Being the respected singer that I am. I gave it a listen… and then another and another. She was good. Really good. She was just as good in person as she was on a recording.

As she walked onto the stage, she smiled at the cheering crowd, giving them a small wave. She had changed into a pale pink dress.

“I’m Y/N and this is Blue Skies from my new album!” She said enthusiastically into the microphone.

It was hard not to get lost while watching her. She had this charming personality to her that made you notice her.

“You’re crushing hard.”

I jumped, and turned to see Lou beside me.

“I just met her.” I say leaning towards her.

“I said you’re crushing not that you’re in love. Relax, H.” She looks over as Y/N mentions for the crowd to sing. “She’s a great girl. Can’t believe it took you this long to met her.”

I shrug, as I turn my attention back to Y/N. “It’s just chance. Didn’t want us meeting yet.”

A new song starts up, and Lou pulls out her phone.

“I love this song!” She says as she opens up Instagram. Taking a quick video for her story.

Once, she’s finished recording the video, she checks it over and then posts it. I never quite understood what was so addictive of that app. Seems a bit boring to me.

“Your phones still blowing up, by the way. You guys were even trending on twitter.” Lou says as she dances along to the beat.

After two more songs, Y/N is finished. She goes to run off stage when she sees me standing on the side. She gives me a smile, as she grabs a water bottle.

“Fucking killed it!” Lou says as she wraps her arms around her. “Please, tell me you’re going on tour. I’d love to see that again.”

Y/N shrugs, “We’re talking about it. Nothing official yet. I’ll let you know.”

Lou smiles as she excuses herself to answer her phone.

“You were amazing out there.” I say, causing her to turn towards me. Fully facing me.

“Thank you. I’m sorry I missed your set, I’ll watch it whenever it’s posted. You’re an amazing performer.”

I smile. “I’m glad you think so. I should probably go answer my phone. I guess it’s still blowing up.”

She gives me an amused smile. “Do you have a pen?”

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, before shaking my head.

She looks around, and spies somebody with a clipboard and pen in their hands. She quickly walks over, exchanges a few words, and walks back over to me.

“Hand, please.” She holds her hand out, waiting for me to place mine in hers.

When I do, she flips it over so the palms up. She writes something, and looks up at me when she’s done.

“That’s my number. You should call me so we can arrange to hang out sometime.” She places the cap back on the pen.

I smirk, “Didn’t even think of asking for that.”

She let’s out a small laugh. “I figured. Tell Gemma I said hello, and that she can keep my sweater. I bought a new one.” She hands the pen back to the person standing with the clipboard. She then turns to me, giving me a wave before walking off.

Leaving me standing there, her number written on my palm, forgetting what I was about to do.



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