Addiction [1]

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You know you shouldn’t be doing it, you’d been sober for 3 years now but it was so hard being apart from Harry all the time that you had to find comfort in something. He had no idea that you were ever an addict so he had no need to worry that you had fallen off the wagon and so therefor had no idea.

He got home from tour the night before though and you were trying so hard to pretend that you weren’t going through withdrawals. As you laid in bed with him, talking about tour and other things, you couldn’t stop thinking about the little bag hidden in your makeup drawer.

You decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast for the two of you, distract yourself, while he took a shower. You knew he had no reason to go in your makeup drawer so you were okay with him being in the bathroom.

10 minutes later, you heard him shuffling down the stairs as you flipped a pancake.

“Do you want any bacon?” You call to him when you hear him enter the kitchen but hear no response. You turn around, frowning but freeze when you see what he was holding up in his hand. “Where did you get that?” You question him.

“I was looking for a brush, I think I left mine somewhere.” He frowns. “What is this?”

“It’s… it’s nothing, Harry.” You walk over to him and grab for it but he pulls it from your reach.

“It doesn’t look like nothing.” He had such a crease between his eyebrows, his mouth set in a firm line. “Now explain this to me, now.” You sigh, shaking your head. You run your fingers through your hair. “Are you on drugs, Y/N?” You feel your lip tremble as you turn away from Harry. You go turn off the stove before falling into a chair by the counter. “Well?” He puts the bag on the counter and crosses his arms over his chest, looking down at you with the frown still in place.

“I’ve been 3 years clean.” You explain to him, shaking your head. “Until two weeks ago.” You mutter, looking away from him. You didn’t want to see the hurt and disgust on his face.

“Why did you start again?” He asks softly, taking a step towards you.

“I just… I was lonely and upset.. it used to be my comfort and how I escaped reality for a bit. I missed you and just.. wanted a release.” You explain, a tear falling down your cheek. “I know it was wrong, I just.. I made a mistake.” Harry sighs and pulls you into his arms, hugging you against his chest. You break down into sobs and cling at him, crying into the fabric of his shirt.

“Why did you never tell me about 3 years ago? We’ve been together for 2.” You pull away, wiping at your wet cheeks as you shake your head.

“I had wanted to, but who would want to be with a drug addict? The further we got into our relationship the more I knew I needed to tell you, I just didn’t want to lose you.” You explain. “I figured, eventually, that you didn’t need to know since I was staying clean and doing alright.”

“It’s my fault you relapsed.” He mutters, shaking his head. He runs his hand through his wet hair. “If I was home more often, you wouldn’t have had to turn back to them.” He shoots a glare at the bag on the counter. You shake your head and reach forward to hug him tightly.

“Do not blame yourself, Harry.” You insist. “It was my own choice, you did nothing wrong.” He just sighs, hugging you and pressing kiss after kiss to the side of your head.

“Are you going to do it again?” He pulls back to ask, looking down at you.

“I don’t want to but it will be hard.” You tell him truthfully. “I’m going to want to do it again, once the withdrawals get worse. They are already kind of bad.” You lift your hand up to show him how badly it was shaking. That was also from the nerves of the conversation happening, but mostly withdrawals.

“Well I will be right here beside you the entire time, okay love? The guys and I are on break now and I’m not leaving your side. We will get you the help you need to get through this correctly and make sure you never want to do it again.”

“I think if I have you by my side I’ll be able to do it.” You mutter. He smiles and nods, reaching up with his ringed hands to wipe at your cheeks. With his hands on each side of your face, he kisses you deeply.

“We’ll get through this, sweetheart, together.” He pulls back to say. You give a small smile and nod before folding yourself against his nice and warm chest. This was your drug, his arms were better than anything in the entire world.



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