he sings to his daughter on stage:

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You loved being able to bring your daughter on tour with your husband. The two of you got to watch side stage as he performed every night with his best friends in front of tens of thousands of his fans.

Your daughter loved seeing her father up there on stage. He always did things to make her laugh and as soon as he was off stage he would scoop her up in his arms and make her giggle as he nuzzled her neck.

Today was like any other day, Harry gave you a kiss on the lips, his daughter a kiss on the forehead and headed on stage. Your daughter didn’t want to be held tonight like she usually was, she stood beside you, dancing and singing along with her father and his best friends.

As the guys were messing around between songs, you had turned to chat with someone and when you turned back to her, she was running onto the stage. You called after her but she was already running towards her father. Louis noticed her before Harry did. He nudged Harry and pointed towards his daughter as she ran towards him, her little legs taking her as fast as they could.

As soon as he saw her, he broke into a wide grin and knelt down. He opened his arms wide for her and hugged her tight as she jumped into his arms. He hugs her tight against him and stands, resting her on his hip.

“Well now what are you doing up here?” He asks her into his mic so everyone else could hear. The crowd yelled and screamed for her as she giggles and buries her face in his neck. He smiles and kisses the side of her head.

“Sorry.” You mouth as he looks over at you and makes eye contact. He grins and shakes his head.

“I guess our biggest fan is going to join us on stage for this next song.” He says, turning back to the crowd. She lifts her head and grins up at her father, hugging his neck with her tiny arms.

“What do you lads say we play her favorite song then?” Niall asks, coming over to Harry and your daughter. “You want us to play Little Things?” He asks her. She grins and nods while the crowd cheer as well.

“I mean, this song was written for your mother, but as you are a mini her, it applies for you too.” Harry says. You smile, remembering when Harry had first sang Little Things to you. You had cried and didn’t stop kissing him after for about five minutes, not that he complained.

So, the guys began singing Little Things and Harry held his daughter the entire time.

“I won’t let these little things
Slip out of my mouth
But if it’s true
It’s you
It’s you
They add up to
I’m in love with you
And all these little things”

As Harry sings this, she sets her head down on her fathers shoulder, her eyes closing. He liked to sing this song to her when she was trying to fall asleep. She liked it more than any story either one of you could tell or read to her.

You watch with a grin on your face, your eyes welling up in tears as Harry sings the song, his eyes shining with pure adoration as he looks down at his daughter resting on his shoulder. When the guys finish the song, he kisses the side of her head, burying is face in her hair for a second. The other three guys come kiss her cheek before Harry gestures to you.

You slowly walk on stage, people cheer for you so you wave at them on your way to Harry.

“Sorry about that, she just missed you, I guess.” You say to him when you get to him. He laughs and shakes his head, leaning down to press his lips against yours.

“You know she’s always welcome to come party with daddy on stage.” He says when he pulls away from you. You smile and slowly the two of you make the transfer of your sleeping child into your arms. “I love you guys.” He kisses her forehead and then your lips again.

“We love you too, now go finish your show so we can all cuddle.” He laughs and nods.

“Sounds good to me, love.” You both exchange one last grin before you take your daughter off stage and he continues doing his rockstar thing there up on stage.

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