promise part 2:

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The green silk flower was a wilted mess laying on the floor of the entryway — ironically mimicking yourself where Harry pressed his hips into yours against the nearby wall.

The moment you both were alone, he was on you. His hand easily found its home on your thigh for the car ride home, pretty fingers caressing your skin in a tempting draw, knowingly and effectively putting you in a trance of eager need. 

You barely made it through the door before he was grabbing you, pulling you in tight and slanting his mouth over yours in a desperate kiss. Practically ripping his jacket from his strong shoulders, the flower caught your eye on the floor as his mouth made its way down your neck.

“You… are evil.” His voice sent a chill down your spine, his tongue soothing the insult as he found your mouth once more.

You hummed against his soft lips, almost in agreeance, as your hand found his swollen length to rub him through his trousers. The softest of moans slipped past his lips, and you withheld your smile as you pressed kisses against his jaw, knowing the sounds you would soon be pulling from that gorgeous mouth.

He watched as you undid his pants, as you pushed them down his thighs, and as you teased your finger across the line of his underwear. His hand gripped the side of your neck roughly to pull your mouth back to his, tasting his moan and panting breaths as he pressed his hardness against you.

When you broke free from his insistent kisses, he begrudgingly let you, his chest heaving as your mouth trailed down the column of his throat, stopping to suck a kiss at his collar bone, the center of his chest, his left pec, his right, lower and lower until you were kneeling in front of him with the black tank top pushed up and out of your way.  The planes of his stomach quivered under your touch, the lines of his groin too good to pass up getting your mouth on, and thighs waiting to be bitten beneath the tight confines of his boxer briefs.

He was perfect, and it took everything inside you not to suck him into your mouth right then. But there was a part of you that wanted to savor it — this space you were in with him, just the two of you, after being pulled in so many different directions.

Harry’s fingers lovingly found their way into your hair, the feeling getting a soft hum from you as you teased his underwear down his thighs until they dropped to the floor. The top of his back was the only thing touching the wall as he waited with his hips poised in front of you, not daring to move.

You kissed each thigh slowly, softly, before moving to the creases where they met his groin, and the top of his pelvis, and the soft smattering of hair below his belly button — basically everywhere but where you knew he wanted you most.

His composure was decent enough compared to how hard he was, but every sound he made gave him away. The soft hisses, the heavy breathing. Fuck, you could even hear him swallow. The more you drove him crazy, the more turned on you got. It was an addicting torment that you couldn’t possibly get enough of.

“Give me the lick you promised me, love.” His voice was so rough, tone so desperate, that you had to look up at him, just to see that need written all over his face, buried between the furrow of his brows and swimming in his pleading eyes.

And so you obliged, keeping your eyes on him as his mouth fell open around a breathy moan, his head tilting back slowly as your tongue slid up the warm expanse of his length, until you could gently suck his tip into your mouth.

“Fuck,” he breathed.

His head fell back down to look at you, mouth hanging open as his hands framed your face, watching as your tongue swirled around him and a moan pushed past his lips.

“Again,” he murmured, a plea and a command, all in one.

You were soaked seeing him like that, so fucking needy for you as you licked him from base to tip again, his fingers flexing in your hair. One of your hands held his length steady while your other gripped tight fingers into his thigh, nails digging into the thick muscle there.

One final lick up the entirety of his length had you sucking his tip into your mouth, more and more, until he was brushing the back of your throat and he was gasping around the feeling.

“Mhm, that’s it,” he encouraged softly, moan after moan gracing your ears as you bobbed up and down on him, over and over and over. “Fuck, love. Don’t stop.”

And you wouldn’t – not until you had him coming down your throat, gasping for air and moaning through his release, just as you promised.


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