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Harry knows that when (Y/N) is sick, something is up, he knows that whenever this happens, it is not good. Throughout the two years they’ve been together, it was him in the relationship that would get sick all the time, and she knows how to take care of him in every situation, she learned over time. Attention, loving, care, is what he needs, but when she is sick, he does not know how to deal with the situation.

That morning he was surprised when she was not up before him, he woke up to the same old usual, sunlight sweeping through the curtains, but to his left, (Y/N) was there, which made him question the situation. He rubbed his eyes, and looked at her, she was snoring, a sign he knows when you’re nose is stuffy, and usually she never snores.

“Hey baby.” He told her, rolling on his side, caressing her cheek. Her eyes started to flutter open, and a smile was written on her face, she mumbled a ‘hello’, and turned the other way.

“Oh, don’t do that, it’s rude. What’s happening?” He told her, she rolled back, and looked at him, sitting up and grabbing a tissue on the side of their bed, quickly blowing her nose. That’s when he realised that she was not up for it today, that she was not like herself. He went back to rubbing her cheek, and smiling, she still has not answered his question.

“I think I’m sick, thanks babe, you gave your bug to me.” She told him. (Y/N) tried to pull herself together, and got up, pulling the duvet off their mattress. He started to laugh, she turned around, sharply, giving him a glare.

“What, I’m cold.” She stated, trying to fumble with putting her slippers on, without using her hands. Harry got up with her, wearing just his pajama pants, nothing else. She would never admit, but she enjoyed it. (Y/N) walked out of the bedroom, and down the stairs of their townhouse.

“You’re making breakfast.” She stated once in the kitchen, Harry following her.

“Ok, what do you want?” He asked, heading towards the fridge, she plopped herself down on the couch and turned the television on, watching whatever news network that was on last. She looked at him, the duvet covered half her head, and was wrapped across her body, she grabbed her glasses on the side table of the couch and looked at him.

“Just a cup of tea, you can make whatever you want.” She told him, continuing to watch telly. He nodded, doing his business in the kitchen, occasionally talking to her.

“(Y/N), love, are you ok? You are never sick, the time I’ve known you, you’ve been sick once, and it was just the cold. You blocked me out, since it was the beginning of our relationship, but still, I’m worried.” He told her. He knows whenever she even has the slight symptoms of a sickness, she would just block away Harry, and keep to herself.

“Yup, just need some pills and several cups of tea, I’ll be better and done with this tomorrow.” She told, taking the cup of tea from Harry and continuing watching the television, not paying attention to Harry who took a sit next to her. He had no idea how to act towards her, therefore he just watched from afar.

Minutes later, she got up, Harry was instantly worried, she gave him a ‘what?’ look and went to a cupboard grabbing some pills and sitting back again.

“I never get sick and when I do, I’m really sick.” She simply said, consuming the advil, turning to him, smiling, he simply nodded, not knowing what to do in that situation. Of course he was worried, but it was hard for him to process it!

“It was one thing that my mum was proud of, her daughter was never getting sick.” She said, he knew about the troubles she has with her mum, but he never pressured her into saying anything.

“Have I ever told you that my mum and dad wanted me to become a doctor, or a lawyer, something fancy and poch, like them. Yeah, well I screw that and became a journalist, who lives under her boyfriend’s roof since rent is too expensive and it barely goes by with my hourly pay, like what am I supposed to do when older?” She says looking at him, eyes wide.

“Babe, don’t worry, it’s fine, it’ll all be fine.” He said, trying to bring her into a hug, she accepted, head under his chin.

“Please don’t leave me,” she says looking at him, “I’m poor and sick.”.

“I’ll never leave you, love, I love you too much.” He said, she nodded, nose sniffling.

“I love you too, gorgeous.” She simply said, watching the telly, eventually changing the channel.



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