He's nervous to talk to you:

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“You hear who was goin’ to be there tonight, Harry?” Liam asked his best friend and band mate as they all were getting ready for the award show that they were having to attend tonight. Harry turns away from the mirror where he had been looking over his suit, trying to brush out a crease that had formed in his pants leg. He frowns at his best friend, a deep crease forming between his brows.

“There are goin’ to be a lo’ of people there, Liam,” He tells him, turning back to the mirror to begin fussing with his hair even though he would just be pushing it back out of his face anyway. Apart from up in a bun out of his way, that was the only way to style it these days with the shoulder length curls he had going on at the moment. “I haven’ exactly kept up with the guest list.”

“Well,” Liam continues on, grinning at Harry. Niall also grins at Harry, already knowing who Liam was referring to. “It’s your girl.” Liam raises his eyebrows suggestively at Harry who’s frown increases.

“This could be your chance, mate!” Louis suggests to him, walking over to pat his shoulder comfortingly but Harry shook his head, already nervous just at the idea of talking to this mentioned girl. Who just happened to be you. Harry had gotten a very large crush on you the second he saw you perform at an award show the year previous. He never got the nerve to talk to you but he kept an eye out for you at events after that as well as always kept up with whatever you were doing in your career and outside of it. His crush grew bigger everyday and now knowing that you would be at the same event as him made butterflies erupt in his stomach.

Later, the four of them stood on the red carpet being blinded by flashes of cameras all around them. They were used to it by this point but Harry kept sliding his eyes over the other celebrities making their way around the red carpet, keeping an eye out for you but so far there wasn’t a sighting. He tried to not be too obvious about it but Niall still kept grinning and nudging him, giving him a shake of the head once Harry looked at him.

It was then, after the guys had gotten inside the venue and were standing around having a chat with a few people here and there that he saw you. You were mid conversation with another singer. You were laughing at whatever they said and Harry took that time to admire you. Your hair and makeup were done to perfection, your dress was flattering you in all the right places and he thought you looked absolutely gorgeous.

“Now is your chance, mate.” Louis mutters in his ear, nudging him towards you. Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves but this was such a big moment. He was about to talk with you, have a conversation with you. He hoped he could make you laugh like who you were currently talking with was. He thought your smile was gorgeous and he wanted it directed at him but he couldn’t move. He was rooted to the floor, it would seem.

“Seems the lad needs some help.” With that, Liam turned and headed over to you. Harry let out a sharp intake of breath as he watched him approach you. You turned to him when he rested a hand on your arm and Harry watched as you grinned at Liam. Harry actually felt a bit of jealousy but brushed it away when your eyes glanced over at him. He tried to give a smile but it probably didn’t come out as big or as happy as he’d hoped it did with his nerves. He watched as you spoke with Liam for a second before you turned back to who you’d originally been speaking with. You bid them a goodbye and then to Harry’s astonishment, you were walking towards him.

“Oh, god.” Harry mutters, standing up a bit taller, brushing his hair from his face in a nervous habit, and runs his fingers down the front of his suit jacket, clearing his throat as you come to a stop in front of him. He was stunned by your beauty. You were so gorgeous in person, and he couldn’t believe that here you were, smiling at him. He should say something, right? You were probably getting freaked out by him just standing there staring at you. “H-hi,” Harry grimaced at the break in his voice so he clears his throat again. “I’m Harry.” He sticks his hand out to you. You give a small laugh and rest your hand in his.

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