Slutter by the veronicas

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Going to the club was one of your favorite ways to spend the night. Getting all dressed up in a cute outfit, doing your hair and makeup and going out to get free drinks bought for you at the bar by hopeless losers that hoped to take you home at the end of the night. They never got to, but the continued buying you drinks anyway.

Now, you stand off to the side of the bar, drink in hand, sipping at it while your eyes skim across the large number of people drinking and dancing around you. Your eyes pass over an attractive man across the club. His messy brown curls hung to his shoulders, his silk shirt hung half open to reveal tattoos riddled across his chest. He looks back at you with gorgeous green eyes and a small smirk on his face.

You look away and go back to your skimming of the crowd but you always find your eyes leading back to him, finding him still watching you. You finally decide to move away from your spot, ignoring him. He seemed like trouble, like a bad boy that was dangerous, not the usual loser men that were easy to win over that you usually chose on nights like this.

Ten minutes later though, you turn and there he was, still watching you. You finally return his smirk and hold your empty drink up, raising your eyebrows at him. His smirk grows and he pushes away from the wall he was leaning against and heads your direction.

“I figure since you won’t keep your eyes off of me, might as well make you work for the stares.” You joke as he approaches you. He laughs and gestures towards the bartender, ordering two more drinks.

“I’m Harry.” He introduces after he hands you your new drink.

“Y/N.” You respond, shaking the hand he extends towards you while you smile, taking a sip of your drink. You had never felt nervous around a guy at the bar before but he was making your nerves run wild with just one smirk. He was dangerous, but in a sexy way. You were drawn to him, like a drug.

The two of you continued to chat, getting to know each other a bit before your favorite song came on.

“We have to dance to this, now.” You put your drink down on the bar and grab his hand. He doesn’t protest as he follows you out onto the dance floor. He pulls you close against him, your back against his chest as you dance, moving your body with his. His hands rest on your hips, his body swaying against yours to every beat of the song.

His body, his hands, his touch was so addicting, you were getting lost in it all. Both of you were beginning to sweat the longer you danced but neither made any move to separate. He even pulled you closer, his face pressed close to the skin of your shoulder. You reach up, tangling your fingers in his long hair.

A few hours, and a few more drinks, later the two of you decide to head out of there, being bored of the club and wanting some fresh air against your sweaty bodies. Outside, the street was quiet and deserted. The moon shone bright above you, the street being bathed in moonlight.

“It’s gorgeous out here.” You say. He grips at your hand and pulls you into the middle of the street, smirking at you as he pulls you against him. He holds you close, reaching up one hand to rest on your cheek. You close your eyes as his face dips town towards you and soon his lips press against yours softly.

“I’ve wanted to do that all night.” He confesses, pulling away from you a bit. “I can’t believe what you do to me.” You smirk and press your lips back against his, weaving your fingers through his hair as he kisses you under the moonlight.

“Never say goodbye.” You pull back to whisper. He smiles and shakes his head.

“Love, I never really planned to.” You smile as he presses his lips back to yours, wrapping his arms even tighter around you.



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