Boyfriend Headcannos:

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May include fluff, angst, or smut headcannons
-You being the first person to paint Harry’s nails (not counting that painfully awkward interview in the UAN era)

-You borrowing some of his clothes because let’s face it he’s a fashion icon

-Him borrowing some of yours

-Him also gaining many inspirations for future outfits by your style or style around him

-Him buying his own pair of your shoes he likes

-Him spending far too much money on birthday and Christmas gifts because he c a n

-Quickies before some of his performances on tour (and when I say quick I mean it)

-Especially when he has built up nerves

-You traveling on tour with him because you want to experience all the positives and negatives with him

-Gemma first being protective of Harry but soon growing to love you

-Not having time for small fights because y’all lives are hectic

-But when you do fight it’s usually about semi-important things and usually lasts less than a day

-Him not being able to focus if he has a performance after you fought

-You cutting parts of his hair yourself (unless he’s been requested to get it professionally done)

-You also liking to shave his face because it relaxes both of you

-Showers together. That’s it.

-You cheering him on in the pit almost every night on tour

-Him dedicating a lot of his songs to you (either during live performances or announcing it during an interview that it’s meant for you)

-Him also pointing at you during particular lyrics in live performances

-Car/Limousine sex or teasing cause y’all are needy and have no patience

-You becoming very good friends with his band

-You keeping slightly in touch with the other 1D boys (or at least their sisters, mothers, or girlfriends)

-You being the first person to know what Watermelon Sugar is REALLY about since he used to sing a few rough-drafted lyrics to you after or even during …. ya know

-You slightly nervous but still extremely supportive of his decision to go solo

-Him giving you a personal box managed by him of all the Pleasing products

-Him also giving you random little trinkets he found/bought that he thought you’d like

-Many at-home dinner dates

-Movie/Netflix dates as well

-You begging him to go to Rockefeller Center when you two are in New York to recreate the classic ice skating scene from Night Changes (except neither of you get any injuries)

-Him teaching you how to play the guitar and piano (sadly not the kazoo)

-Dancing in the rain back when you two visit Manchester or Holmes Chapel

-Competitive family game night

-Songs like: Adore You, Canyon Moon, Only Angel, Sweet Creature, and Golden were all either dedicated to you, about you, or inspired by your two’s relationship


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