Milk And Honey:

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“You’re still not going to tell me where we’re going?” You looked back at Harry, who was smirking, and shaking his head, holding your coat open for you to push your arms through.

“Nope,” Harry said, adamantly, sneaking a kiss on your cheek and tucking the coat over your shoulders. “I’m surprising you, my love.”

“You know, I might be hauling a small boulder between my hips, but I can still get you.”

“What?” Harry called, his tone inflected up teasingly as he disappeared down the hall and into the kitchen. “Can’t hear you, babe.”

You cracked a smile, shaking your head once he was out of sight, shaking your head and tucking your chin down to get a good look at your belly. With just a just a couple of weeks until your due date, you’d decided to squeeze in a last-minute date night before the new baby came.

“Feel free to come anytime, little man. I could use some more reinforcements.” You could also do without feeling like there was a bowling ball between your knees.

“Mummy,” a tiny voice whined from behind you, and you felt little fingers dig into your pant leg and give it a tug.

You turned to find a very distraught looking Finn, trying to cuddle into your thigh; his fingers slipped in between his pouted his lips, his other hand holding tightly to his soft and worn baby blanket that he was nuzzling his cheek against. This was how you always knew that he was anxious about something.

“What’s wrong, bubba?” you cooed down to the pouting little boy, trying to hide himself against your legs. You drug your fingers through his tousled hair that stuck up and twisted in all directions, just like his father’s. You couldn’t help but think that both boys and Darcy alike would have some choice words in regard to their unruly hair when they were older.

You watched his lips wiggle and his chin wrinkle up, as his eyes started to swim with tears.

“Uh, oh. Come here, baby.” You tried to bend down to pick him up, but your belly stopped you as it hit your thighs.

Finn raised his arms, begging to be held, but you could feel your back tense up as you tried to scoop him up and straighten your body back into place.

“Oomph,” you hissed under your breath, grappling with not falling over as your weight shifted, realizing you were stuck.

You suddenly felt a pair of warm hands cup around your shoulders.

“Whoa,” Harry, whispered, with a chuckled as he helped your straighten back up, kissing your temple. “Careful.”

You exhaled a breath between your teeth, readjusting Finn on your hip. “I don’t think your son is in any hurry, I wouldn’t worry.” You grumbled under your breath a little, rubbing Finn’s back, as he buried his face into your neck and clutched at your shoulders, whimpering into your skin. You hushed him softly, pressing your lips behind his ear and trying to rock him as best you could with the added weight on your torso. He quieted a little, just wanting to be held for a while. He was only occasionally your anxious baby. Not especially clingy, although like all of the kids, he did love cuddles. He was curious, a quiet little observer of the world around him. But much like his father, he didn’t like being alone, and feared people leaving him or being away from the comfort of people he loved. It made him anxious. This had become a bit of a routine with Finn since he was just a tiny, squirming baby.

Harry shoved his hands in his pockets and cocked his hip a little, frowning as he could see how tired you were. The dark circles under your eyes that were splotched to your skin. You’d furiously tried to cover them. Your hooded eyes and slightly ashen face. Your body was starting to tell you to slow down, but you were fighting it in these last few weeks.

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