Don't Blame Me:

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Includes: LOT1!Harry, oral sex (male received), vaginal sex, dominance, roughness, praising, foul language, and nudity

A/N: I am utterly in love with Taylor's song Don't Blame Me. I made this while screaming along to my queen (and yes, I AM aware it's to a Harry Styles imagine.... so what? at least it's not from 1989). Also, this will be inspired by that very song because it's amazing... just a lot dirtier :)


"Show starts in five!" A crew member shouted as dozens of people rushed past you. Everyone was in a frenzy tonight because not only was it the final show but one of the biggest. Harry was nowhere to be seen, but you didn't let your nerves show as you leaned against the stairs leading up to the stage. The crowd was singing Carolina as they waited, and you couldn't help but hum along.

"Where is Harry?" A sound man asked you, and you shrugged. He grumbled something under his breath before running away just as Harry and Jeff neared the stairs. Jeff tightened his suit and wished Harry good luck before walking downstairs to get to the pit. Harry ran a hand through his messy hair.

"Hey," you greeted and pecked his lips.

"Hi, how are you?"

"Good. You nervous?" You asked and adjusted his suit jacket as he cracked his neck. You had noticed over the years, especially during the tour, that he would often do this out of anxiety. And this simple action was enough for you to know just how worried he was. "You'll do great. Just be your usual charming and entertaining self. They'll love you even if you're as dull as a dishwasher."

He laughed stiffly, and you unbuttoned his jacket, which you knew he would quickly get annoyed of anyway. "One minute!" Someone called, and you felt him tense. You wrapped your arms around his waist from under his jacket and pulled him into you as he looked away from the woman who yelled it.

"Here's a thing to look forward to," you said and went up on your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "if you do good tonight, you might be rewarded."

"And if I don't?"

"Then you won't get lucky in the next two and a half hours," you heard a subtle gulp as you pulled away from his ear and smirked. "Now go finish strong," you pushed him up the stairs after stealing a final kiss. He soon emerged on stage, and the crowd burst into cries and applauds.


Everything had been perfect like all the shows before that. Harry had not only been entertaining and impressive per usual, but he had a unique thrill tonight. You knew he was disappointed it was the final show for a while, but he also knew this ending gave him more opportunities than before he started the tour. He was ecstatic for the future, but right now, he was swallowed in the moment.

When he arrived backstage, he whisked past everyone to get to his dressing room and take a shower. You followed after him to collect both of your things. While you waited for him, you changed into a t-shirt and jogging pants and stuffed all but a casual outfit for Harry in a duffle bag. You were zipping up the bag when you felt a presence behind you and gasped when you felt something far too familiar poke your back.

"Did I do good tonight, angel?" He asked, his voice worn out and raspy from the intense show.

"You did amazing, lovie," you muttered, trailing your hand up his neck to enlace in his hair. He growled lowly in delight as he pulled you closer, his damp skin hitting your shirt and sticking to it.

"Does that mean I get my reward?" He said slowly, and you chuckled, turning around to face his naked body. No matter how much he made you try to look down, you refused and instead twirled a piece of his wet hair between your fingers.

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